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Xiangyang, Hubei: expand channels and provide excellent services to promote high-quality and full employment of key groups

Source: International Online
2024-06-21 14:53

Original title:

Xiangyang, Hubei: expand channels and provide excellent services to promote high-quality and full employment of key groups

On June 20, the Information Office of Xiangyang Municipal People's Government held a press conference to inform Xiangyang of its efforts to expand employment channels, optimize employment services, and do everything possible to promote high-quality and full employment of key groups.

Photo of the press conference Li Xuhui

In recent years, Xiangyang has successively issued a series of important documents, such as Opinions on the Implementation of Further Promoting Employment and New Policies for "1+7" Talents in Xiangyang City. Based on the four aspects of "supporting market players, expanding employment space, strengthening bottom line assistance, and improving the service system", it has built a policy system for employment and entrepreneurship in all fields, Attract college graduates and other key groups to stay in Xiangyang for employment; On the basis of continuing to implement the policies of stable post return of unemployment insurance, reduction and deferral of social insurance fees, support enterprises to carry out skills upgrading training, and provide qualified enterprise employees with skills upgrading subsidies, support market entities to stabilize employment, and focus on reducing burdens and stabilizing posts; We will expand employment space and strive to increase capacity and expand jobs by guiding grassroots employment, promoting employment internships, and entrepreneurship driving employment.

In addition, Xiangyang City has actively carried out activities such as employment caravans, labor cooperation inside and outside the province, and employment skills training for groups such as rural poverty relief workers and people with employment difficulties to provide personalized employment assistance. Zhang Yaohui, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Xiangyang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced that the municipal human resources and social security department also used public welfare posts to pay for those who could not obtain employment through market-based channels, so as to strengthen employment security.

For high-quality talents such as college students who are employed in Xiangyang, Xiangyang City, through the implementation of the "Zhihui Xiangyang" plan, not only provides living subsidies, but also provides more detailed and comprehensive housing security; Provide special training on education and teaching ability for qualified ex servicemen, and support them to teach in primary and secondary schools; For entrepreneurial youth, the Youth League Municipal Committee links more innovative and entrepreneurial resources and project cooperation channels in the province and even across the country with the "Youth Creation" contest as a platform.

In order to ensure the implementation of various employment and entrepreneurship support policies, the financial department of Xiangyang City has also continuously increased support. In 2023, the municipal finance will actually invest 92 million yuan in employment subsidies, and the 2024 budget will be 128 million yuan, an increase of 39.1% year on year. (Wen Duyuan and Shang Jin were appointed as Yu)

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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