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Craftsman's Fair · "Baoji Craftsman" in 2023 | Liu Dong: Welding Flower Illuminates Wonderful Life

Source: Baoji Daily
2024-06-14 08:53

Original title: Welding flower lights up wonderful life (theme)

——Liu Dong, Senior Technician of Automatic Submerged Arc Welding of Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. (subtitle)

Baoji Daily reporter Wei Wei

Entering Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "GEM Steel Pipe"), the garden style factory has a strong industrial heritage: GEM Steel Pipe, which was founded in 1958, is one of the enterprises that were born from 156 key construction projects during the "First Five Year Plan" period in China, and is also the first manufacturer of large diameter spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe in China. Welding technology is the core of the enterprise to produce high-quality products. The "cultivation" of a gold medal welder is the result of the enterprise's emphasis on technology and talent training. The welder we introduce today is Liu Dong, who is a senior technician of submerged arc automatic welding in the No. 1 Pipe Manufacturing Branch of Baoshi Steel Pipe Transportation Company.

Over the past 25 years of work, Liu Dong has devoted himself to professional welding technology, focused on the accumulation and summary of production experience and professional data, honed his ability to deal with problems and innovate, participated in the production of more than 10 national key pipelines, such as "West East Gas Pipeline", "Han to Wei River Diversion", "Shaanxi Beijing Fourth Line" and "Gulanghekou", and overcame the difficulties in pipeline production technology control, It has completed more than 20 minor changes and technological innovations, and won many honorary titles such as "Advanced Worker", "Striving for Excellence" Communist Party member of Baosteel Pipe Company, and "Baoji Craftsman" in 2023. He explained the value of craftsmen with the spirit of deep cultivation in a field, striving for perfection and being meticulous.

Liu Dong adjusts the welding parameters of the external welding mechanism

The difficulty of "dead fighting" is not relaxed

"I grew up in the factory, and I have a special feeling for steel pipes." Liu Dong, 49, told reporters that his parents are factory workers, and since he was young, he has been kind to the plants in the workshop and around the factory. "I remember when I was young, there were many tasks in the factory, and my parents often worked overtime. Sometimes they met with problems in production, and they still discussed when they came home. Although I didn't understand those technical words, their earnest manner infected me very much."

In June 1999, Liu Dong graduated from Shaanxi University of Finance and Economics, and in November of the same year, he entered the Gemstone Steel Pipe Factory. After entering the factory, he was assigned to the No. 1 Pipe Manufacturing Branch to engage in automatic submerged arc welding. As an apprentice, he felt confused in the face of complex equipment and process requirements. Once, facing the problem that the welding mechanism could not start arc welding, he was helpless, but when the master came over and saw the "sticking" point, he said the crux of the problem and solved it quickly, which made him admire. Liu Dong is determined to practice his skills in his post and strive to become a "technical master" one day.

In the process of hard research on the production line day by day, Liu Dong constantly collects and accumulates production data, and has developed the ability to solve problems. In 2019, the first branch where Liu Dong works undertook the production task of 508 × 7.1 gas transmission pipeline in Daning Jixian County, Shanxi Province. During production, workers found that the undercut defect of internal welding could not be eliminated, the production efficiency could not be improved, and the quality of steel pipes could not be guaranteed. Liu Dong carefully inspected the product, and after observation and analysis, he decided to transform the inner welding wire feed elbow, changing the inner welding hose wire feed into seamless hard elbow and straight pipe section connection wire feed, which greatly reduced the wire feed resistance, made the welding wire transport even and smooth, eliminated the undercut defect of inner welding, and significantly improved the welding quality.

In the production of 1220 × 18 steel pipes for Binchang Line, in view of the unstable quality of butt joints of strip steel, Liu Dong proposed that the quality of butt joints can be improved by changing welding parameters and adopting the method of small internal welding current and large external welding current. During the production of 914 × 15.8 steel pipes at Gulanghekou, the production could not be carried out normally due to the porosity defect. He found that the iron oxide adsorbed on the edge of the strip steel fell on the occluding part during the forming process of the steel pipe, causing porosity. After finding out the cause, Liu Dong added air ducts to continuously blow out iron oxide, which reduced the porosity defects. After adjustment, the one-time pass rate of steel pipes and the product yield rate increased by 1.4% and 0.02% respectively.

As a front-line senior technician, Liu Dong takes the initiative to study in production practice and constantly master new knowledge and skills. In the face of increasingly stringent quality standards in recent years, in order to further control the external weld bead reinforcement, he took the lead in adopting measures such as increasing the forming groove, matching the welding specification, and increasing the welding eccentricity to control the weld bead reinforcement at about 1.3 mm. The external weld bead shape control of the branch factory has been highly praised by the company and brother units. In 2020, the height of the outer weld bead will be reduced by more than 40% year on year, and the cost of anti-corrosion polyethylene materials will be saved by more than 700000 yuan in that year alone.

Liu Dongshan is good at finding problems and summarizing them. He sorted out the production data collected for many years for the type adjustment of welded pipe unit, and summarized the Summary Table of Production Specifications and Welding Process Parameters for workers to use for post operation. Everyone said that these experiences had saved them a lot of detours.

Overcome difficulties and show responsibility

Where there are pipelines, there are footprints of gem steel pipes. As a technical expert, Liu Dong plays an important role in the "iron army of pipe making".

In 2021, as a technical backbone, Liu Dong was selected by the company to participate in the trial production of 3448mm diameter and 24mm wall thickness super large diameter steel pipes. During the critical period of production commissioning, he worked hard from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day for nearly half a month, and finally successfully completed the commissioning of welding equipment and production process. As a participant, he witnessed the smooth production of the first steel pipe of the project.

In view of the large safety risk of the disc shear in the production of steel pipes with wall thickness of more than 10 mm, and the fact that there is no unstable quality of groove welding, Liu Dong has completed the transformation project of the fine and rough milling machines, eliminated the disc shear process, and solved the problems of high labor intensity, high safety risk, weld groove can not be guaranteed, and unstable product quality. In view of the frequent pit defects in the pipe body during production, he found the root cause and proposed a solution to reform the position of the cleaning belt, which not only greatly reduced the pit defects, effectively improved the product quality, but also made the equipment layout of the welded pipe unit more reasonable.

Liu Dong has participated in and completed the transformation project of the flying shear pipe transport trolley, shaper and centralizer of the branch factory, and completed the installation and commissioning of the internal and external welding double wire mechanism. He led the team members to overcome the adverse factors of tight schedule and heavy task, and completed the equipment transformation task with quality and quantity guaranteed, laying a good foundation for the equipment and quality improvement of the branch factory.

In recent years, Liu Dong has made use of his rich production experience accumulated over the years to carry out "technical transformation" based on his post and help the branch plant improve quality and efficiency. In view of the inconvenient operation of the flux bowl used in the external welding post when replacing the conductive nozzle and the welding wire, he made the twin screw movable flux bowl by himself, which not only made the post operation more convenient, but also improved the production operation rate.

In the production of small diameter steel pipes, in order to reduce cutting waste and improve the product yield, he suggested and formulated the "Regulations on the Replacement of Conductive Nozzles", which requires the regular stop at the opposite end to replace the conductive nozzle, so as to avoid waste of raw materials, and effectively improve the product yield by 0.05% that month.

In recent years, in order to cope with the characteristics of diversified product specifications, short production cycle and frequent lane changes in the social market, Liu Dong, according to the production scheduling plan, always completes the preparation of production spare parts such as the production of flux recovery nozzle, the assembly of the nozzle, and the processing of the wire feed elbow in advance, effectively shortening the lane change and molding time by 2 hours per time, and shortening the lane change time by more than 70 hours in 2022 alone.

Educate, dispel doubts and cultivate talents

How many nails can a person make even though he is covered with iron? In many years of "mentoring" activities, Liu Dong adhered to the combination of theory and practice, and through teaching by words and deeds, so that new employees can master the job skills as soon as possible, get familiar with the equipment of the post, understand the post system, understand the safety risks of the post, and exercise the ability to solve problems, providing a shortcut for new workers to be competent for the job as soon as possible.

In order to better play the role of leader, Liu Dong took the initiative to supervise and remind the post staff to do a good job in quality and safety by using the regular safety meeting and quality analysis meeting in view of the actual work of the welded pipe unit.

Under his careful guidance and training, more than 10 workers have become the technical backbone of all units, providing talent guarantee for the sustainable development of enterprises. As a senior submerged arc welding technician of the company, Liu Dong has participated in the company's micro lecture training on pipe welding skills, post operation manual training and other work for many times, and has unreservedly passed on his accumulated operating experience over the years, methods and experience to deal with production problems, and continued to contribute to the development of the company and its branches.

Liu Dong said that as a skilled worker, he should not be a bit impetuous. No matter he is a new apprentice or a teacher, he has to settle down to study technology. He always said: "As long as the mentality is floating, the technical control means will definitely be discounted, and the 'fish scales' on the weld will not lie."

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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