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The United States continues the war: "This is actually misleading Ukraine"

Source: International Online
2024-05-23 17:38

Original title:

The United States continues the war: "This is actually misleading Ukraine"

This month, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than 800 days.

At the public meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the situation in Ukraine held on the 20th local time, China said that with the delay of the Ukrainian crisis, a large number of weapons and ammunition continued to flow into the battlefield, the variety and scope of weapons and ammunition continued to expand, the lethality and lethality continued to rise, and the risk of loss and proliferation continued to accumulate, which caused deep concern.

China calls on all parties concerned to put peace and humanity first, focus their resources and energy on the diplomatic efforts of cease-fire and ending the war, and jointly promote an early political solution to the crisis in Ukraine.

However, on the same day, the United States hosted the 22nd monthly meeting of the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group (UDCG), which was led by the United States, and continued to offer a knife to the conflict.

Full ideal and skinny reality

According to the figures given by US Defense Secretary Austin at this video conference, since the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict in February 2022, UDCG countries have allocated a total of US $95 billion for military aid to Ukraine.

At the same time, the war on the front has become increasingly detrimental to Ukraine and its Western supporters.

Kasapolu, a senior researcher of the US Hudson Institute and an expert on political and military affairs, believes that the Russian army has "successfully achieved many tactical victories" in the direction of Kharkov, and it is expected that the Russian side will strive to consolidate its achievements and gradually advance.

In his view, in the next few weeks, the prospect of Russia turning this tactical benefit into strategic benefit may become clear, and "the opportunity for Ukraine to launch a large-scale counter attack and recapture these places is really slim".

Austin, who recognized this, also said that this UDCG meeting was held at a "time when Ukraine is facing challenges again". To this end, he once again stressed the importance of long-term military assistance to Ukraine and maintaining the unity of the "pro Ukraine" coalition.

In addition to discussing Ukraine's recent needs, this meeting also focused on the work of the eight so-called "capability alliances" established within the UDCG framework. These alliances focus on building "key operational capabilities" from air defense weapons to artillery, aiming to meet Ukraine's long-term needs.

Austin and Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military, who also presided over the meeting, said that the United States and its allies would continue to unite and "commit to the lasting security of Ukraine".

Since Biden signed a new round of US $61 billion aid bill for Ukraine at the end of last month, the United States has provided Ukraine with at least three batches of military assistance, including emergency delivery of US $1.4 billion of weapons and equipment from the Pentagon's inventory to Ukraine, and the announcement of US $6 billion of military assistance to Ukraine through the "Ukraine Security Assistance Plan".

Although the United States did not announce a new aid plan at the UDCG meeting, Austin vowed to keep the US arms delivery to Ukraine "week after week" running.

However, some US media pointed out that the US $6 billion of weapons for Ukraine in the scope of the "Ukraine Security Assistance Plan" sounds like a bluff, but they are not in stock and need to sign contracts with arms dealers to book them. This means that it may take months or years for them to be sent to the battlefield.

"The United States privately admits that Ukraine's chances of winning are slim"

Under this situation, the issue of the scope of application of the long-range weapons that the United States and the West have assisted Uzbekistan has become the focus again.

In an interview recently, Ukrainian leaders complained that Ukraine is negotiating with international partners on the use of long-range weapons provided by Ukraine to attack military targets in Russian territory, but no positive progress has been made.

Earlier, the US media had disclosed that Ukraine was actively seeking the Biden government to lift the ban on the use of US weapons against targets in Russia.

However, some American officials said that the policy of the Biden administration has not changed. "The military aid to Ukraine is for defense, not for attacking Russian territory".

It is reported that at the UDCG meeting on the 20th, the US Defense Minister Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Brown "avoided" the question of whether the Ukrainian army should be allowed to use US weapons to attack targets in Russia, saying that their focus was "fighting in Ukraine".

However, it is hard to say whether this can be trusted or not.

According to the statement made by US Secretary of State Blinken during his visit to Kiev on the 15th, although Washington "does not encourage", Ukraine can decide on its own whether to use US weapons to attack Russia.

"We have not encouraged or allowed (Ukraine) to carry out attacks on its overseas targets, but ultimately Ukraine must decide how to carry out this war."

In an interview on the 20th, former Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Newland of the United States, known for her tough anti Russian stance, declared that Ukraine has the right to attack military targets on Russian territory, and the United States and its allies should support Ukraine in doing so.

In fact, since the crisis in Ukraine, the United States has done almost everything except sending troops to fight directly in order to prolong the war as far as possible. In the United States, the conflict has been difficult to calm down.

Saudi media warned that today, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has exceeded 800 days, and there is still no obvious sign of easing or ending. Although the new military assistance from the United States has enabled Ukraine to continue fighting, the future is still full of uncertainty and danger.

In an interview, Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov criticized the United States assistance to Ukraine as "choosing to support the war", at the cost of "sacrificing civilian lives" and catering to the interests of the military industrial complex "greedy and unsatisfied".

In his view, Ukraine is being used as a "siege hammer against Russia", and the US decision actually doomed Ukraine's failure.

CNN recently pointed out that although the Biden administration privately admitted that Ukraine had little chance to win, there was still no indication that the United States intended to create conditions for negotiations to end the conflict.

The article said that the United States always thought that showing its "determination to assist Ukraine" would help maintain Ukraine's future "negotiating position", but this would actually mislead Ukraine to refuse to reach a reasonable peace agreement through peace talks, while continuing to fight for the unreachable goals.

Editor in charge: Wang Tianyue

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