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Yu Jihong was appointed President of Beijing Normal University

April 30, 2024 15:06 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 30 (Reporter Li Yihuan) According to the Ministry of Education, a few days ago, the Central Committee approved Yu Jihong to be the President (Vice Minister) and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University.

This morning, Beijing Normal University held a meeting of teachers and cadres. Peng Jinhui, Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, announced the decision of the Central Committee and made a speech at the meeting. Wang Jiayi, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education, member of the Party Leadership Group and Governor General, and You Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, attended the meeting and made a speech. Cheng Jianping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, presided over the meeting.

Yu Jihong, female, born in January 1967, postgraduate, doctor of science, member of the Communist Party of China, alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, professor, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was once the deputy director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and a member of the Party Leadership Group.

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Xiong Xu)

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