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Accelerate the development of digital technology engineer training project

October 7, 2023 08:54 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: Accelerate the promotion of digital technology engineer training project

The reporter recently learned that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is accelerating the development of digital technology engineer training project, focusing on new professions in digital technology fields such as intelligent manufacturing, big data, blockchain, integrated circuit, etc., and carrying out standardized training and social evaluation by profession, direction, and level. This project will explore the establishment of a digital technology engineer certification system, and train about 80000 digital technology technicians every year.

High level digital technical engineers are an important part of China's talent team and the basic support for the development of the digital economy. Li Jinsheng, Director of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that at present, the project has initially established a policy system, organizational system, standard system, training system and evaluation system of the project framework.

The revised national occupational classification code in 2022 added the sub category of "digital technology engineering technicians", released 13 new digital technology occupations such as intelligent manufacturing, big data, blockchain, integrated circuit engineering technicians, and formulated and promulgated national occupational standards.

"We have published elementary training courses for 10 professions, laying the foundation for digital technology talent training. In addition, we standardized the implementation of the project, and put forward relevant support policies such as continuing education hours identification, professional technical grade certificate and professional title connection identification, receiving vocational training subsidies, etc; A list of training institutions and evaluation institutions has been selected and established, providing a platform for talent training and evaluation. " Li Jinsheng said.

He said that the next step would be to guide local governments to introduce supporting policies as soon as possible to promote the implementation of projects. "It is hoped that through the promotion of training programs, more young people will be attracted to learn digital technology, engage in digital careers, and cultivate a large number of high-level innovative digital technology engineers." (Reporter Jiang Lin)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Hao Mengjia)

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