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The first "Symphony of Music Debate" of the Central Conservatory of Music ended

19:35, June 16, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Hao Mengjia) Is the core of music joy or pain? This is an eternal and profound topic, and it is also the topic of the final of the first "symphony of sound debate" college student debate contest of the Central Conservatory of Music. On the 14th, with the young students' sharp words and wisdom, the competition ended successfully.

The first "Symphony of Music Debates" on campus of the Central Conservatory of Music. Pictures provided by the sponsor

It is understood that this debate lasted more than two months. After seven rounds of fierce competition, the College of Music Education won the championship, the Department of Composition won the runner up, and the Department of Musicology and the Department of Command won the runner up. The competition also produced the best debater in a single game, the best debater in the whole process, the most popular debater, the "golden idea" award, etc.

"We pay attention to the educational effect of the Debate Contest, strengthen the guidance of value, and play an active role in the cultivation of students' mind, personality, and family and country feelings." He Kuanzhao, director of the Humanities Department of the Central Conservatory of Music, said that the Debate Contest can be said to be "from green to amazing". From the ignorance of the first round of the group competition to the brilliant peak confrontation between the pros and cons in the final, the depth of thinking, debate skills, and even debate etiquette of the debaters have made a qualitative leap. The competition has excavated and cultivated a number of outstanding debaters who are excellent in both character and learning, which is a major achievement of the construction of "humanistic central voice".

"As a debater, show the spirit of humanity". On the debate field, the confrontation between language and thought, the collision of wisdom and inspiration of the students of Yangyin also left a deep impression on the experts and judges outside the school. From the first round of the group competition to the final, Lin Gang, a teacher from Beijing Technology and Business University, participated in many reviews as a specially invited expert judge. He said that the title and debate setting of this competition reflected the school running characteristics, and the debate competition reached a very high level, demonstrating the educational effect of the Central Conservatory of Music in building a "humanistic central voice".

It is understood that this debate is planned and organized by the Humanities Department of the Central Conservatory of Music. The debate aims to seek the expression of "harmony but difference" in multiple thinking, and is committed to promoting the deep thinking, precise and sensitive expression, and inclusive listening and understanding of the students of Central Voice. The debate covers a wide range of fields, guiding students to care about family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs, cultivating feelings of family and country, and cultivating a sense of social responsibility of contemporary youth.

(Editor in charge: Li Yihuan, Xiong Xu)

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