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Carry forward the trend of respecting teachers in the new era "Looking for the Most Beautiful Teacher in 2019" opened on September 10

09:53, September 10, 2019 | Source: CCTV Network
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Original title: Celebrate the 70th birthday of the People's Republic of China, carry forward the trend of respecting teachers in the new era - "Looking for the Most Beautiful Teachers in 2019" opened on September 10

2019 coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 35th Teachers' Day and the 20th anniversary of Macao's return. Against this backdrop, this year's award ceremony for the large-scale public welfare activity of "Looking for the Most Beautiful Teachers" closely follows the era theme of "Celebrating the 70th birthday of New China and promoting the style of respecting teachers in the new era", focuses on the original appearance of the work of "the most beautiful teachers", and fully demonstrates the era style of teachers who "cultivate virtue and learn to be teachers".

Among the ten most beautiful teachers and one most beautiful team unveiled this year, there are ideological and political teachers who make full use of new media communication means; Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who participated in the design of major projects such as the Shanghai World Expo; There are professional teachers who have trained a large number of automobile technicians; There are Macao teachers who have been selected as "the most beautiful" for the first time this year, and who promote excellent traditional Chinese culture among students; And the team of teachers who bravely saved the students when the flood came. They come from all directions of the motherland, and are all workers fighting in the front line of education, writing the most beautiful life on their three feet platform.

This year's evening party has a rich form and strong sense of ceremony. In terms of expression, the evening party used online virtual packaging for the first time to create a rich and varied stage environment, intuitively and artistically present the different geographical characteristics of the region where the award-winning teachers are located, and visually gather the new atmosphere of educational achievements across the country. In addition, famous artists Li Guyi, young student representatives Wang Junkai and Guan Xiaotong also participated in the recording of the evening show, offering festival wishes to the most beautiful teachers.

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Xiong Xu)

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