Labor Education Enhances the Mind, Joys the Practice, Runs the Children's Heart -- Xunwu Experimental Primary School Held the Third Labor Skills Competition

Source: Today's video Released: 2024-05-06 11:38

In order to comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy, guide students to establish correct labor concepts, cultivate positive labor spirit, master necessary labor ability, develop good labor habits, and comprehensively improve labor literacy. Recently, Xunwu Experimental Primary School actively responded to the policy of "double reduction", further implemented the work of "five education simultaneously", and specially held a labor skills contest with the theme of "labor education encourages the mind, happiness, practice and moistens the childlike innocence".

This competition focuses on students' daily life skills. According to the characteristics of students of different ages, the competition is carried out in different levels, grades and projects to guide students to interpret the beauty of labor with practical actions and experience the happiness brought by labor.

"Peel+swing" series

Although the children in grade one are young, they are all full of energy to work. With their efforts, the hard shells of peanuts and melon seeds were removed.


A pair of small hands can not only peel, but also swing. They suddenly had a fancy, and put the peeled food on the plate in different shapes, which made people see.

"Shaping+pickling" series

With the teacher's order, the second grade children began to show their skills of "planing". With a peeler in hand, they gently scraped on vegetables and fruits, and the peel of the melon and fruit slid down in an instant.


Water filled melons and fruits were placed on the table, inspiring the children to show their skills of "pickling". The radish and cucumber slices are put into the basin, and all kinds of seasonings are poured. The appetizing vinegar fruit is very attractive.

"Series+Combination" series

A pair of skillful hands inserted shoelaces from holes, and the process was natural and smooth. Finally, it ended with a perfect bow, which was the "tying" skill of the third grade children. They can not only tie shoelaces, but also skillfully tie red scarves on their chests, fully demonstrating the style of young pioneers in the new era.

The third grade children also have a skill - "spell". With the careful design of the team members, fresh and delicious fruits become delicate fruit platters.

"Stacking+mixing" series

Look, the school uniforms have been paved on the table. This is the fourth grade children ready to show their "folding" skills. The young players raced against the clock, pulling the zipper and the corners of their clothes, and each piece of clothing was folded neatly by a pair of small hands.

Look, just after folding the clothes, the children began to mix cold dishes and fruit salad again, all of whom are skilled workers.

"Weaving+brewing" series

The fifth grade children inherit Chinese art and culture, and weave a slender red rope into a beautiful Chinese knot. Some skillful craftsmen also created cute bracelets, which turned into a precious friendship and passed on among children.

"Niang" is the unique food culture of Hakka people. Tofu, balsam pear and chili are made by ingenious children, just like small ingots.

"Package+cooking" series

The sixth grade held a series of "Bao" contests, and parents prepared stuffing, dumpling skin and tools for children in advance. When the competition officially started, everyone started work quickly, and all came up with unique skills, such as "chubby" yuan bao, creative crescent moon

The children put the dumplings and dumplings into the pot one by one, and soon they came to the surface. Children eat, laugh, talk... They experience happiness in labor and enjoy life in creativity.

School home collaboration

Excellent parents of Shixiao also actively participated in this activity. We are well organized. You can help me and I can help you. We can enjoy the process of making delicious food together with children, and enjoy the growth and happiness brought by labor.

Work pays

One by one, "little experts in labor" came to the fore. They held the certificate with both hands and raised the corners of their mouths, which was the confidence brought by labor.

In order to help children integrate labor practice with subject knowledge, President Qiu Wei personally led the children to discover mathematical knowledge in the process of making dumplings, so that children understood the true meaning of "work is rewarded".

An interesting labor skills competition once again enabled children to enhance their labor skills, experience the fun of labor, enhance their labor awareness, and understand the importance of labor to create beauty. In order to further consolidate the effect of "double reduction", the school will continue to comprehensively implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, to cultivate virtue through hard work, to increase wisdom through hard work, to strengthen the body through hard work, and to cultivate beauty through hard work. We will promote the form of labor education in which schools, families and society work together, and strive to build an education system that comprehensively cultivates morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, so as to cultivate all-round new people of the times. (Luo Li, Xunwu Experimental Primary School)

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