Publicity of Fuyang Education Bureau on the selection results of "Five Good Students", "Excellent Student Cadres", "Advanced Class Collectives", "Excellent Head Teachers" and "Excellent Professional Teachers" of secondary vocational schools in the 2023-2024 academic year

Release time: 2024-06-20 10:57 Source: Fuyang Education Bureau Visits: 2705 Font size: large in Small

Education bureaus in all counties, cities and districts, and secondary vocational schools directly under the city:

Now, the list of "Five Good Students", "Excellent Student Cadres", "Advanced Class Collectives", "Excellent Head Teachers" and "Excellent Professional Teachers" of Fuyang Secondary Vocational School in the 2023-2024 academic year is publicized as follows (see the annex).

The publicity period is from June 20 to June 27, 2024. If you have any objection, please report it to the Municipal Education Bureau in writing before June 27. If the situation is reflected in the name of the unit, the official seal of the unit shall be affixed and the contact person and contact information shall be indicated; If the situation is reflected in the name of an individual, the real name and contact number shall be indicated. If the situation is reflected anonymously, it will not be accepted.

Contact: Zhu Hongcui, Tel: 2197157, E-mail:


Attachment: 1. List of the results of the selection of "Five Good Students" of secondary vocational schools in Fuyang from 2023 to 2024

2. List of "Outstanding Student Cadres" Selection Results of Secondary Vocational Schools in Fuyang 2023-2024 Academic Year

3. Fuyang 2023-2024 School Year Secondary Vocational School Selection Results List of "Advanced Class Collective" Selection Results

4. List of "Excellent Professional Skills Teachers" in Fuyang 2023-2024 School Year Secondary Vocational School Selection Results

5. Fuyang 2023-2024 School Year Secondary Vocational School Selection Results List of "Excellent Head Teacher" Selection Results



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