The municipal education bureau held 2024 music theme teaching and research activities for junior high schools in the city

Published on: 2024-06-04 08:42 Source: Fuyang Education Bureau Visits: 2351 Font size: large in Small

In order to further promote the new curriculum reform of music in junior high schools in our city, better promote the professional development of music teachers in junior high schools in our city, and explore new ways of educating people and classroom teaching models guided by core literacy, Fuyang Municipal Education Bureau held a city wide music classroom teaching theme teaching and research activity at Yingshang Youth Activity Center on the morning of May 31 More than 400 teachers, researchers and junior high school music teachers from all counties and districts in the city participated in this activity.


The first part of the activity is to observe the excellent classroom records. All the teachers observed the classroom record "Colorful Dance" taught by Shi Honglan of Cangqian Middle School, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. This class focused on the student body, music noumenon, and demonstrated the new classroom model.

In the second link, teacher Wang Can from Yingshang No. 7 Middle School gave a lecture on the Practical Application of Vocal Music Teaching in Junior High School Music Classroom, and shared the skills and methods of vocal music teaching in music teaching from the aspects of stimulating interest, training vocal music skills, combining vocal music teaching with music theoretical knowledge, and using modern scientific and technological means, combined with specific lesson teaching.


Mr. Yang Weili, a music teaching and research member of the Municipal Institute of Education and Science, gave a special lecture titled "Focusing on Music Noumenon, Improving Teaching Quality", analyzed the highlights of the class from six aspects in combination with the class examples, reviewed new knowledge, problem setting, group sharing, task driving, activity guidance, evaluation design, etc., focused on the music noumenon, directed in-depth learning and encouraged music teachers to strengthen the practice of basic skills, Deeply cultivate music classroom teaching and implement aesthetic education infiltration action.

In the last part of the demonstration of teachers' basic skills, the participating teachers fully demonstrated the spiritual outlook of music teachers in the new era through vocal music, dance, instrument performance and other artistic forms.

This activity focused on the reform of music classroom through class example display, teaching research discussion, basic skills display and other forms, and had a higher level of understanding and thinking of "music noumenon" and "new music classroom", further updated the teaching philosophy of music teachers in junior high schools in our city, and explored the direction of music teaching research.

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