Publicity of the winners list of Fuyang students' information literacy promotion practice activities in 2024

Release time: April 24, 2024 16:48 Source: Fuyang Education Bureau Visits: 5137 Font size: large in Small

According to the requirements of the Notice of Fuyang Education Bureau on Carrying out the Practice of Improving Students' Information Literacy in 2024 (FGD [2024] No. 1), after the review of the expert group, the proposed winners of the practice of improving students' information literacy in 2024 are now announced. If there is any objection, please reflect the situation with your real name and provide relevant supporting materials.

Publicity time: April 24 - April 29, 2024

Publicity telephone: 2265217


Annex: Winner List of Fuyang Students' Information Literacy Improvement Practice Activity in 2024 (proposed)



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                                                                                         April 24, 2024

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