Yao Hong'en_American Education Talent _ Study Abroad Column

American education talent

Yao Hongen
Consultant for studying abroad and immigrating to Canada, founder of English word image memory method.

Expert introduction

Studied in the United States in 1992. Bilingual teaching research. Author of "Image Memory of English Words" and "Word Mastery - Image Memory Vocabulary" series. [Detailed]

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What is the topic in the composition of the American college entrance examination? Uncover the secret of composition topic in June

What is the composition test of the United States just released in June? There are several time zones in the United States. The exam is held at 7:00 a.m. in New York, and at 4:00 a.m. in California. It is still dark. Therefore, there are three composition questions in each exam, so that New York examinees will not inform their relatives and friends in California about the composition questions. [Read the full text]


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