What is salted soda? Is salt soda acidic or alkaline- Replay network

What is salted soda? Is salt soda acidic or alkaline?

2023-06-14 14:00:08 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What is salt soda

Colorless Transparent Liquid

"Salt soda is a colorless and transparent liquid, with the aroma and taste of lemon, refreshing, thirst quenching, low calorie, giving new vitality to traditional heatstroke prevention drinks. The new formula can timely supplement the water and salt lost by a large number of sports, and quickly restore vitality."

Is salt soda acidic or alkaline


"The ingredients of salted soda: water, sugar, salt, fruit acid, carbon dioxide and other inorganic salts, so it can be known that salted soda is acidic rather than alkaline, the ingredient of salted soda is not soda water, and soda water is alkaline because it contains bicarbonate of soda. This kind of drink can adjust the PH value of the body and can be drunk after exercise."

[Editor in charge: h001]

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