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What is the name of the csgo unpacking website? Csgo open box recipe sharing

Now we bring you an open box website with a high popularity rate of new people. New people can register for free open box, which is very popular. As long as you can stop in time, it's easy to earn money. Click the link below to play.

What is the name of the csgo unpacking website?

1. Fcsgo open box network

The probability of the FCSGO open box platform has been notarized and officially filed. It focuses on the real probability and player benefits. The highest welfare gift in the industry is highly sought after by CSGO players. In Fcsgo, there are a large number of luxury gifts that are worth looking forward to and can be paid for free, with high inventory, real probability, and super value discounts. Many players are excited and crazy about these advantages.

2. Mucsgo open box network

It is an old domestic unpacking website, which has been operating under the brand for many years and has successfully stood out from many websites. The CSGO unpacking of the website highly restores the official unpacking animation scene, and provides the same popular weapon box at a price lower than the official price, which is worth looking forward to., A variety of high popularity boxes are waiting for you to open. There are also points stores and welfare boxes, which have more rare props and weapons to help you win in the game. Mucsgo is committed to creating a real open box experience, and more gifts are available.


An open box website of very Buddhist department, I feel a little lazy in planning, and there are very few holiday activities.


It is commonly known as pig head net. The style of the website is very similar to that of Xiaof and H, but in fact, this is a domestic website and also a csgo open box website with records. It has been three years since its establishment. At present, it is not small in China.


Commonly known as small F net, the biggest feature of this website is that it supports virtual currency. It is also an open box website for many years, with a large user base.

The csgo formula for unpacking is as follows:

1. Choose the right time to open the box. In general, it is easier for players to produce valuable props on the morning of weekends or holidays. In the evening, it is the lowest time to open the box, and the probability of opening props is low.

2. Use multiple account numbers to open the box. Using multiple accounts to open the box can increase the probability of players obtaining rare props. This is because multiple accounts are involved in opening boxes at the same time, and the system will randomly allocate props, thus improving the chance to obtain rare props.

3. Pay attention to in game announcements. In game announcements will release good news about opening boxes from time to time, such as new types of boxes, new rewards, etc. Players can pay attention to these announcements in order to get rare props faster.

4. Try using luck techniques. Some players think that the use of luck skills can help them more easily open valuable props. For example, they can wash their hands before opening the box, or turn down the brightness of their mobile phones to reduce the probability of seeing props.

Roller skip setting command

Wheel up jump command: bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"

Scroll wheel down jump command: bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"

First, find the file location of cfg: X: Steam teamapps common Counter Strike GlobalOffer csgo cfg

Then, open config.cfg in Notepad mode, add bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" or bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" to the last side of Notepad, and save the file.

key word: What is the name of the csgo unpacking website Csgo unpacking website Csgo formula for unpacking Open box introduction of csgo

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