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How much can CSGO be opened? CSGO Unpacking Price List

Many kids who like playing csgo know that unpacking is a very random way of playing. You may offer very expensive accessories, or you may offer useless appearances. Today, the editor will bring you csgo's most conscientious unpacking website recommendation. New people can register for free unpacking. Come and have a look!

How much can CSGO be opened?

1. Opening the box is a similar card drawing method in csgo. Players can get the skin of some guns, gloves and knives by opening the box;

2. To open a box, you need at least two items: the box and the key of the corresponding series;

3. The box is worthless. You can drop it in the game. One box is only a few cents, and the key cannot be dropped. You can only spend 17 yuan on the official purchase;

4. There are also some third-party transactions flat The keys can be purchased on the platform, and the price is about 16 yuan, which is not different from the official price;

5. So statistically speaking, the cost of opening a box is about the cost of the key, which is about 17 yuan.

How can CSGO change the game name

Find rev.ini in the game directory, and open Notepad. Find the phrase PlayerName=XXXXXX, followed by the name, and change it to the English name you want.

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