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Zhejiang Jiashan issued the construction scheme of high-quality development demonstration sites at county level, exploring and forming the experience of institutional innovation

On November 3, Cheng Bin, from Mujia Village, Dayun Town, Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, was busy planting holly in the flower base. As one of the founders of A Yu Flower Professional Cooperative, she transformed from a farmer to a gardener, expanding from 5 mu of land to 50 mu of land, and her income went from just enough food and clothing to an annual sales of more than 3 million yuan. When she learned that the Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government held the press conference of the Construction Plan of High Quality Development Demonstration Site in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province in the New Development Stage (hereinafter referred to as the Construction Plan) in Hangzhou on the same day, she was full of longing, "Our days are more promising!"

Since the start of the construction of county level scientific development demonstration sites in 2013, Jiashan County has implemented 257 reform pilots at or above the provincial level, including a batch of reform and innovation practices such as the overall revitalization of existing land and the reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement, which have been popularized throughout the province, providing experience for solving common problems in county level development. Over the past decade, the gross regional product of Jiashan County has increased from 34.57 billion yuan to 78.93 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 8.6%; The proportion of R&D expenditure in the whole society increased from 2.44% to 3.71%; The urbanization rate increased from 51.7% to 73.4%; The multiple difference of urban and rural residents' income narrowed to 1.59

"The construction of the scientific development demonstration site in Jiashan County provides a vivid example for the scientific development of the Yangtze River Delta region and even the whole country," said Chen Jianzhong, deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang Province. The new round of construction of demonstration sites in Jiashan County adheres to high-quality development, reform, integration and innovation, and demonstration and guidance. The Construction Plan has deployed demonstration tasks in five aspects, namely, the coordinated development of science and innovation industries, the integrated development of urban and rural areas, the transformation of ecological advantages, high-level open cooperation, and social governance and sharing.

According to the Construction Plan, by 2025, Jiashan County will take the lead in the process of high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration area in Zhejiang. The proportion of research and experimental development funds for the whole society will reach 4%, the ratio of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will shrink to about 1.55, and the proportion of middle-income groups will reach 82%. By 2035, Jiashan County will gradually realize common prosperity and become a model of high-quality development in the county.

"In the future, the work and life in the two places will be more convenient." Li Yan, who lives in Qingpu District of Shanghai, works in Jiashan Ganyao. Seeing that the Construction Plan proposes "to support the opening of commuter trains between Jiashan and Shanghai", Li Yan is full of expectations for life in the same city

According to Jiang Haiyang, member of the Standing Committee of Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee and secretary of Jiashan County Party Committee, Jiashan County has sorted out more than 80 tasks and implemented them annually. "At present, it has sorted out 20 demonstration tasks in 2023, including the building of the investment attraction model of" fund+equity+project "and the construction of modern agricultural micro industrial parks."

The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that Jiashan County is the only high-quality development demonstration site in the country. The National Development and Reform Commission will support Jiashan County to explore an effective high-quality development path model in the county, form experience in institutional innovation, and lead and drive more counties across the country to achieve high-quality development.

key word: Zhejiang Jiashan High quality development at county level Demonstration site construction Experience in institutional innovation

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