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He Zili: Scientific Connotation and Epoch Significance of the Theory of New Quality Productivity
Publisher: Webmaster Published on: May 10, 2024

abstract The new quality productivity theory is a new development of Xi Jinping's economic thought, the latest achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist productivity theory, and a major theoretical innovation of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. The theory of new qualitative productivity clarifies the scientific connotation and essential characteristics of new qualitative productivity, reveals the realization path and essential requirements of new qualitative productivity, and has profound significance of the times. The development of new quality productivity is the fundamental principle to base on the new development stage, promote scientific and technological innovation, build a modern industrial system, and achieve high-quality development.


key word : new quality productivity; Modern industrial system; High quality development


Article Contents  

1、 The Productivity Theory of Marxist Classical Writers

2、 The Theory of New Quality Productivity and Its Scientific Connotation

3、 The great significance of developing new quality productive forces

4、 The main path to accelerate the development of new quality productivity


The new quality productivity theory is an important part of Xi Jinping's economic thought, the latest achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist productivity theory, and the enrichment and development of the theoretical system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to deeply grasp the scientific connotation and epochal significance of the new qualitative productivity theory for implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, achieving high-quality development, and building a socialist modern power in an all-round way.


1、 The Productivity Theory of Marxist Classical Writers


The theory of new quality productivity was put forward under the guidance of Marxist productivity theory. Reviewing the productive forces theory of Marxist classical writers will help us to understand the scientific connotation and era significance of the new qualitative productive forces theory.


First, productivity is composed of workers, means of labor, and objects of labor. Material production activities driven by productivity are the basis for the survival and development of human society. Marxism believes that human material production activities are based on the formation and development of productive forces, and the formation and development of productive forces must have three basic elements, namely, workers, means of labor and objects of labor. one )The labor of workers is the main factor of productivity. Marx pointed out that: Labor is, first of all, a process between man and nature, a process in which man uses his own activities to mediate, adjust and control the material transformation between man and nature. two )The means of labor are the material materials that workers use to transform the objects of labor in the process of labor. In the process of production, the means of labor can extend the labor force Natural limbs So that workers can use the means of labor as a means to exert their power. The means of labor is an important symbol reflecting the development level of productive forces and the nature of social relations. As Marx said, "The difference in various economic times is not what to produce, but how to produce and with what means of labor. The means of labor is not only a measure of the development of human labor force, but also an indicator of the social relations through which labor is carried out."   three )The object of labor is the material materials that workers process and transform with the help of labor tools to form the means of living that meet the needs of workers, which is mainly manifested in raw materials that have not been processed and materials that have undergone primary processing. The three basic elements of productivity are organically combined to form a labor process It is a purposeful activity that creates use value, is the possession of natural things for human needs, is the general condition of material transformation between man and nature, and is the eternal natural condition of human life. Therefore, it does not transfer in any form of human life, rather, it is shared by all social forms of human life. " It is the organic combination of workers, means of labor and objects of labor that forms the productive forces. The productive activities of human material means driven by the productive forces constitute the basis for the survival and development of human society.


  Second, productivity is the fundamental driving force for the development of human society. The universal development of productivity has pushed human society from the history of all ethnic groups to the history of the world. Historical materialism attributes the fundamental cause of human social development to productivity, emphasizing that the productivity of human production and creating material wealth is the fundamental force to promote the progress and development of human society. Human beings can not exist for a day without the production of material wealth. Productivity is the most active and revolutionary factor in social development. It is always in the process of continuous development and change. The development and change of productivity promote social development and progress. The enormous growth and rapid development of productive forces have brought about the continuous enrichment of material means of living, which has freed mankind from poverty and ignorance. The universal development of productive forces can eliminate the economic and cultural barriers between various countries, regions and ethnic groups in the world, thus promoting human society from the history of various ethnic groups to the history of the world.


Third, science and technology are the primary productive forces, and the combination of science and technology and various elements of productive forces jointly promote the continuous improvement of labor productivity. The progress of science and technology is closely related to the development of productive forces. Marx pointed out that "labor productivity is determined by a variety of circumstances, including: the average proficiency of workers, the level of scientific development and its application in technology, the social integration of the production process, the scale and efficiency of the means of production, and natural conditions." Labor productivity reflects the efficiency of labor creating material wealth under the promotion of scientific and technological progress. The combination of workers and advanced science and technology can greatly improve labor productivity. Science and technology is the sum of knowledge and skills formed and accumulated by human beings in social production practice, and is the crystallization of human understanding of the laws of natural development. With the development of science and technology, science and technology are increasingly penetrating into workers, means of labor and objects of labor, so that the production technology level and labor proficiency of workers are constantly improved, production tools and technological processes are constantly changed, so that the objects of labor are more diverse, thus promoting the development of productivity. In this sense, science and technology are the primary productive forces, which determine the qualitative change and quantitative increase of productive forces.


Fourth, productivity and production relations are dialectical unity. The law that production relations must adapt to the nature of productivity is the basic law of the development of human society. Productivity is always combined with specific production relations. Production relations refer to the social relations formed by people in the production process of material means, including the form of ownership of means of production, people's status and mutual relations in production, and the form of product distribution, among which the form of ownership of means of production is the most basic and decisive. Productivity and production relations are dialectical and unified. The development level and status of productivity determine the nature of production relations. Productivity is the premise and basis for the formation of production relations, and production relations are established to meet the requirements of productivity development. What kind of productive forces, there will be what kind of relations of production. Marx pointed out that "social relations and productive forces are closely linked. With the acquisition of new productive forces, people change their mode of production. With the change of the mode of production, that is, the way of making a living, people will also change all their social relations. The society of feudal lords is generated by hand milling, and the society of industrial capitalists is generated by steam milling." The productive forces determine the relations of production, which react on the productive forces. The productive forces move and develop in certain relations of production. If the relations of production adapt to the requirements of the development of productivity, it will promote the development of productivity; If the relations of production do not adapt to the development of productivity, it will hinder the development of productivity. Productivity is always changing and developing. When the old relations of production no longer adapt to the development of the new productive forces, it will cause changes in the relations of production, so that the old relations of production are replaced by new ones.


  2、 The Theory of New Quality Productivity and Its Scientific Connotation


The new quality productivity theory is formed on the basis of Marxist productivity theory, which is the latest achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist productivity theory, and has rich scientific connotation.


(1) The Proposition of the Theory of New Quality Productivity


The development of new quality productive forces is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core on the basis of in-depth analysis of the global trend of science and technology and industrial development, and a profound summary of China's practical experience in scientific and technological progress and high-quality development. two thousand and fourteen year six In June, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 12th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: In the face of the new trend of scientific and technological innovation, major countries in the world are looking for a breakthrough in scientific and technological innovation to seize the opportunity of future economic and technological development. We must not fall behind in this competition of scientific and technological innovation. We must catch up, catch up and strive to surpass. This has pointed out the direction for China to follow the trend of the times and seize the opportunities of world scientific and technological development. two thousand and twenty-three year nine During his visit to Heilongjiang in August, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of new quality productivity for the first time, emphasizing the need to "integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity". two thousand and twenty-three year twelve The Central Economic Work Conference held in August stressed that: We should promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, especially with disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies to stimulate new industries, new models, new drivers, and develop new quality productivity.


The background of the times when General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the category of new qualitative productivity provides an important basis for us to accurately grasp the connotation of new qualitative productivity. Compared with the previous forms of productivity, the new quality productivity is a productivity developed with the new round of technological and industrial revolution. Its most distinctive feature is that under the condition of the digital economy, intelligent technology, digital technology and green technology enable workers, means of labor, and objects of labor to optimize the combination of the three and form a new quality of productivity. Therefore, the meaning of new quality productivity can be understood as: under the condition of digital economy, the ability to conquer nature, transform nature, protect nature and create material means of life formed by intelligent technology, digital technology, green technology to empower workers, means of labor, and objects of labor is the leading advanced productivity in the digital economy era.


The concept of new qualitative productivity is the core category of the theory of new qualitative productivity. Focusing on this category, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a systematic theory on the new quality productivity: "New quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, which is in line with the new development concept, and is characterized by innovation playing a leading role, getting rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path. It is driven by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. It takes the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination as its basic connotation, and the significant increase in total factor productivity as its core symbol. It is characterized by innovation, quality as its key, and advanced productivity in essence. " The new qualitative productivity theory proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping covers the basic theoretical issues such as the characteristics, basic connotation, core signs, characteristics, keys and essence of the new qualitative productivity, which provides a fundamental basis for us to accurately grasp the scientific connotation of the new qualitative productivity theory.


(2) The Scientific Connotation of the Theory of New Quality Productivity


The scientific connotation of the new qualitative productivity theory is very rich, mainly reflected in the following aspects.


First, innovation plays a leading role in the development of new quality productivity. As the ability of human beings formed in the process of transforming and conquering nature, productivity reflects the relationship between human beings and nature. The development of productivity is driven by scientific and technological progress. Every innovation and breakthrough in science and technology will bring new changes and new development to workers, means of labor, and objects of labor. Mankind has gone through three stages of technological and industrial revolution, including mechanization, electrification and automation. At present, it is entering the fourth stage of technological and industrial revolution characterized by the invention and widespread use of intelligent technology, digital technology and green technology, which will promote new qualitative changes in human productivity. Compared with the previous three technological and industrial revolutions, the most distinctive feature of the fourth technological and industrial revolution is its rapid innovation, strong subversion, wide coverage and great influence. With the advancement of the fourth scientific and industrial revolution, the pace of original breakthroughs in some major scientific issues has accelerated, and some major disruptive technological innovations have rapidly promoted the formation of new industries and new formats. A series of innovative technologies, such as information technology, biotechnology, manufacturing technology, new material technology, new energy technology and so on, have penetrated almost all fields, creating such as unmanned aerial vehicles Smart robots, driverless cars, robot chefs, wearable devices, smart phones, smart homes and a series of new industries, new formats and new models. The integration of new generation information technologies, such as big data, cloud computing and mobile Internet, with robotics and intelligent manufacturing technologies has accelerated. The scientific and technological innovation chain has become more agile, technology updates and achievements transformation have become faster, and industrial upgrading has continued to accelerate. This has strongly promoted the rapid development of new quality and productivity, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of the times when innovation has become the first driving force for development.


Second, the development of new quality productivity has broken away from the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path. The new quality productivity is a productivity form based on the innovation led intensive economic growth mode and productivity development path. The traditional extensive growth mode is characterized by the input of labor factors and other production factors, which is mainly manifested in expanding reproduction through increasing the input scale of factors, thus achieving economic growth; The intensive development led by innovation is characterized by the continuous improvement of factor quality and efficiency, which is mainly reflected in the realization of economic growth by improving labor productivity. As China enters the stage of high-quality development, the conditions on which extensive growth depends have changed significantly, for example, the advantages of demographic dividend have weakened, and labor costs have continued to increase; The level of capital profitability tends to decline, and the investment motivation weakens; Resource constraints tend to be rigid, restricting economic development... This means that the extensive growth model is difficult to sustain. The new quality productivity is the new quality productivity led by innovation and the fundamental material and technical support for achieving high-quality development. The development of new quality productivity requires strengthening technological innovation, institutional innovation and management innovation, leading development by innovation, adhering to the development principle of focusing on quality and efficiency, and accelerating the transformation of growth mode from extensive growth to intensive growth. Only by getting rid of the traditional mode of economic growth and the path of productivity development and establishing an innovation led intensive mode of growth can we accelerate the development of new quality productivity and lay a solid foundation for achieving high-quality development and promoting the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.


Third, the new quality productivity is characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality. one )High technology is a typical feature of new quality productivity. High technology has the characteristics of highly intensive talents, knowledge, technology, capital, risk, information and industry, mainly including biotechnology, aerospace technology, information technology, new energy technology, new material technology, marine technology, etc. The new quality productivity characterized by high-tech has an important impact on human society. First, it has greatly promoted the improvement of productivity, such as the application of automation and intelligent technology, reducing labor intensity, reducing the waste of human resources, and effectively improving product quality and productivity; Second, it has greatly improved the quality and level of medical services, extended human life span and improved the health level; Third, it has greatly enhanced the convenience of life, allowing people to communicate and interact with people around the world through Internet shopping, online payment, social media and other ways. two )High efficiency is the essential attribute of new quality productivity. With the strong support of information technology, artificial intelligence and other high-tech, the new quality productivity promotes the transformation and upgrading of intelligence, digitization and greening in all industries, fields and important links of the national economy, optimizes resource allocation, improves management efficiency, reduces production costs, and improves the competitiveness of enterprises, industries and even the entire national economy. three )High quality is the unique quality of new quality productivity. New quality productivity is the product of productivity development and scientific and technological progress, and improving quality and efficiency is its essential requirement. To develop new quality productive forces, we must break the qualitative state of traditional factors of production new carry quality , with quality Urge new We will create new industries, new models, new driving forces, and new advantages, improve production processes, improve product quality, reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, lengthen the industrial chain, increase product added value, and enhance industrial competitiveness. The high-quality characteristics of the new quality productivity and high-quality development have inherent unity. To promote high-quality development, we must take the development of the new quality productivity as an important focus.


Fourth, the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity in line with the new development concept. The new quality productivity and the new development concept are internally unified. The development of the new quality productivity meets the objective requirements of the economic movement law revealed by the new development concept. one )The new development concept emphasizes that innovation is the first driving force to lead development. To grasp innovation is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. To develop new quality productivity, we need to follow the trend of a new round of scientific and technological and industrial revolution, focus on promoting the networked and intelligent production organization, constantly improve technological innovation, brand influence, and core competitiveness, take innovation as the driving force, constantly improve labor efficiency, capital efficiency, land efficiency, resource efficiency, and environmental efficiency, and constantly improve the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress. two )The new development concept emphasizes the integrity and coordination of development. To develop new quality productivity, it is necessary to ensure the overall coordinated development of all sectors and regions of the national economy, focus on solving development problems, complement weaknesses, establish a complete industrial system, realize the independent, controllable, safe and efficient operation of the industrial chain supply chain, promote the balanced development of the internal supply system and demand system of the real economy, and meet high-quality demand with high-quality supply, To ensure the balanced development of the real economy and the virtual economy, and prevent them from turning from the real economy to the virtual economy. three )The new development concept emphasizes the green development of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. New quality productivity itself is green productivity. To develop new quality productivity, we need to establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, protect the ecological environment as well as protect the eyes, and promote the formation of green development and lifestyle. four )The new development concept emphasizes the principle of coordinating domestic and international markets and resources. To develop new quality productivity, we need to attach great importance to and expand the use of foreign capital, pay attention to the absorption of technological innovation capabilities, advanced management experience and high-quality talents carried by international investment, support Chinese enterprises to strengthen foreign investment and trade through expanding opening up, promote the going out of equipment, technology, standards and services, improve the position in the global value chain We will introduce talent and intelligence in a wider range and at a higher level, and further expand international exchanges and cooperation in talent and intelligence. five )The new development concept emphasizes to lead high-quality development with shared development. To develop the new quality productivity, we must adhere to the people's dominant position, comply with the people's aspirations for a better life, constantly realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the people, make sure that development is for the people, depends on the people, and the development results are shared by the people. Through deepening reform and innovation, we can improve the quality and efficiency of economic development, We will produce more and better material and spiritual products, constantly meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and promote the common prosperity of all people.


Fifth, the new quality productivity reflects the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination. With the invention of intelligent technology and digital technology and their widespread use in the production process, the intelligent and digital transformation of the three major factors of productivity, such as workers, means of labor, and objects of labor, is deepening, workers' scientific and technological knowledge is becoming increasingly rich, and their ability to use and control intelligent and digital technology is becoming increasingly strong; Due to the rapid development of intelligent technology and digital technology, the intelligent and digital level of labor materials has been continuously improved, and the use efficiency has been greatly improved; Adapt to the rapid progress of intelligent and digital transformation of workers and labor materials, and the degree of digitalization of labor objects continues to deepen. By constantly promoting the progress of intelligent technology, digital technology and green technology through innovation, integrating intelligent technology, digital technology and green technology into workers, means of labor and objects of labor, and promoting the optimal combination and leap of the three, we will accelerate the development of new quality productivity and solidly promote high-quality development.


Sixth, revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries have accelerated the birth of new quality productivity. The formation of new quality productivity is a systematic project, which is the product of the organic unity and synergy of revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. one )Technological revolutionary breakthrough is the premise and foundation for the existence and development of new quality productivity. Technological revolutionary breakthrough refers to significant and disruptive technological progress in the process of technological development. Disruptive technology is cutting-edge and leading technology, which can create new products, promote new business forms and create new models. two )The innovative allocation of production factors is the driving force for the development of new quality productivity. Production factors refer to various social resources needed for wealth production, mainly including land, labor, capital, technology, data and other factors. The allocation of production factors refers to the optimal combination of various production factors in the process of social reproduction to improve economic efficiency and achieve healthy and stable economic development. The allocation of production factors based on the revolutionary breakthrough in technology must adhere to the innovative leadership and promote the development of new quality productivity with the innovative allocation of production factors. Therefore, based on talent innovation, we should focus on cultivating high-quality and highly skilled talent teams, improve talent introduction systems and policies, do a good job in the reserve of innovative and high-end talents, and establish and improve the incentive system to give play to talents' intelligence and mobilize their enthusiasm for innovation; Take technological innovation as the guide, innovate and develop technical means and tools, promote the transformation of traditional low-end industries to high-end industries, and break through the "obstacles" in the industrial chain with technological innovation; Establish and improve the financial system, strengthen the construction of the capital market, strengthen financial supervision, standardize capital behavior, and improve the ability of financial services to the real economy; With data innovation as the hub, we will break the barriers between various elements, unblock the "breakpoints" of the industrial chain, and effectively release the "digital dividend". three )The deep transformation and upgrading of industries are the conditions for the realization of new quality productivity. Industrial transformation and upgrading is also called industrial upgrading, which emphasizes the transformation of industrial structure to a direction more conducive to economic and social development. The essence of industrial transformation and upgrading is the dialectical unity of technological industrialization and industrial technicalization. The deep transformation and upgrading of industries means that with the invention and wide use of intelligent technology and digital technology, the industrialization process of innovative technologies such as intelligent technology and digital technology and the intelligent and digital transformation of traditional industries complement and promote each other, forming a modern industrial system, and laying a solid industrial foundation for the formation and development of new productive forces. In short, the breakthrough and large-scale application of disruptive technologies will bring about innovative allocation of production factors, in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries, promote the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination, and thus accelerate the development of new quality productivity.


Seventh, the development of new quality productivity will help improve labor productivity and total factor productivity. Labor productivity refers to the productivity of labor. It is in direct proportion to the amount of material wealth produced by a certain amount of labor, and in inverse proportion to the amount of value contained in promoting a certain amount of material wealth. It is an important indicator to reflect and measure the efficiency of micro economic organizations. From the perspective of microeconomic organizations, workers have greatly improved the complexity of labor by mastering intelligent technology and digital technology, enabling production processes and labor tools to greatly improve the efficiency of labor tools. Adapt to the production process enabled by intelligent technology and digital technology to 5G The construction of new infrastructure with technology, big data, the Internet of Things and the Internet as the content lays a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy. Intelligent, digital and green technologies enable the deep development and utilization of solar energy, wind energy and other natural forces. The formation of these new quality productive forces has strongly promoted the improvement of micro economic benefits and injected strong impetus into high-quality development. From the perspective of macroeconomic operation, the widespread use of intelligent technology, digital technology, and green technology has spawned a series of new industries, new formats, new models, new energy, and new methods with high-tech, efficient, and high-quality characteristics. These new qualitative production forces, led by scientific and technological progress, have provided a strong driving force for economic growth, Highlight the increasing contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth, and promote a substantial increase in total factor productivity. Labor productivity and total factor productivity reflect the efficiency of the development of new quality productivity from the micro and macro perspectives. Accelerate the pace of scientific and technological innovation, establish a modern industrial system, enable the transformation of the development mode, optimize the economic structure, and cultivate the development momentum with intelligent technology, digital technology, and green technology, provide a strong driving force for the development of new quality productivity, and will greatly improve labor productivity and total factor productivity.


It can be seen that the theory of new quality productivity provides important theoretical guidance for us to seize the historical opportunity of a new round of world science and technology and industrial reform, base ourselves on the new development stage, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, take the construction of modern industrial system as the foundation, and promote high-quality development with the development of new quality productivity.


3、 The great significance of developing new quality productive forces


The new quality productivity is expedited by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries. It is characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality, and its essence is advanced productivity. The development of new quality productive forces has profound significance of the times.


First, developing new quality productive forces is a major strategic choice to catch up with the pace of development of the times. Historical materialism tells us that the development of productive forces is the fundamental cause of social development, and every leap in the development of productive forces represents the arrival of a new era. Marx pointed out that "history is nothing more than the succession of generations. Each generation makes use of the materials, funds and productivity left by previous generations. For this reason, each generation, on the one hand, continues to engage in inherited activities in a completely changed environment, and on the other hand, changes the old environment through completely changed activities." Since scientific and technological progress has become the main driver of promoting industrial change and economic development, every scientific and technological innovation has brought about tremendous progress in productivity, opening a new era. eighteen century sixty In the s, with the invention of the steam engine and the widespread use of the steam engine powered machinery and devices in the material production process, human labor productivity has been unprecedentedly improved, greatly enhancing the productivity of human material wealth. along with nineteen century sixty With the invention and wide adoption of electricity in the s, electricity has replaced steam as the main form of power, giving birth to a series of emerging industries such as shipbuilding, petrochemical, steel, etc. The new leap in productivity has strongly pushed mankind into the era of electrification. along with twenty With the invention and wide application of computer and automation technology in the 21st century, the automation level of manufacturing industry has been greatly improved. Automation simplifies workflow, reduces task completion time, improves operation speed, and enables enterprises to achieve greater results in a shorter time. The formation of automation has completely changed the production process of the manufacturing industry, which not only improves the production efficiency of the manufacturing industry, but also maintains a high level of quality standards, promoting human beings to enter the automation era. get into twenty-one In the 21st century, the pace of technological and industrial progress has been further accelerated 5G Digital and intelligent technologies represented by technology have been invented and widely used. This round of technological and industrial revolution, like all previous industrial revolutions, is also a new change in the power system. In this round of industrial revolution, computing power has become the most revolutionary innovation. The revolution in computing power has boosted profound changes in the way of social production. The infrastructure with computing power as the core has become a strong support for the operation of artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, etc., promoting the rapid development of the digital economy and bringing mankind into the digital era. The digital era is an era in which the intelligent digital new quality productivity occupies the dominant position. The development of new quality productivity has become the only way to grasp the new era.


Second, developing new quality productivity is the fundamental starting point for implementing the innovation driven strategy. The innovation driven nature of new quality productivity determines that innovation becomes the core of technology and industrial competition. In the fierce technological and industrial competition, who can win depends on who has strong innovation ability and who can occupy the commanding height of the development of new quality productivity. The US will dominate the future industry, Germany's Future Research and Innovation Strategy, the UK's Science and Technology Framework, the EU's Report on Strengthening the EU's Industrial Strategic Value Chain for the Future and other strategic plans all focus on AI, quantum information science, advanced communication networks, advanced manufacturing, biotechnology and other future technology fields, Increase support in human, material and financial resources. China's development has entered a new historical position, and the implementation of innovation driven strategy has become the fundamental driving force and the only way for China's development. To implement the innovation driven strategy, the most fundamental thing is to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, enhance the ability of independent innovation, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and foster innovation momentum. To this end, we should give full play to the advantages of our socialist system in focusing on major issues, establish and improve a new national system for tackling key core technologies, and provide a strong institutional guarantee for enhancing independent innovation capabilities. Facing the future, we should further promote knowledge innovation and technological innovation, enhance the ability of original innovation, integrated innovation, and introduction, digestion, absorption, and re innovation, constantly achieve fundamental, strategic, and original major achievements, actively seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development, and strive to become a leader in important scientific and technological fields and a pioneer in emerging frontier and cross cutting fields, To lay a solid foundation for the development of new quality productivity and constantly enhance the international competitiveness of China's science, technology and industry. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has accurately grasped the internal law of innovation practice, and from the key elements of talent, technology and industry, it has focused on strengthening the long-term layout and overall planning of scientific and technological innovation, vigorously implemented the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the innovation driven development strategy, and orderly promoted the "quantitative change" of scientific and technological innovation The accumulation has laid a solid foundation for accelerating the construction of an innovative country and realizing the "qualitative change" of the country's overall innovation capacity.


Third, developing new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus for achieving high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "We should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions." In the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, we must promote high-quality development in order to achieve a significant leap in economic strength, scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength, which is the hard truth of the new era. To promote high-quality development, we must fundamentally rely on the development of new quality productive forces and the transformation of the development mode. The traditional development mode is linked with the repetitive input of low-quality production factors based on the traditional productivity. The traditional productivity is the productivity locked in the condition of low technical level. The development of traditional productivity is realized by reproduction of low quality, which is represented by the repeated input of production factors in quantity under the condition of constant technology. This kind of investment can achieve the expansion of production scale, but cannot achieve the improvement of quality and efficiency. In the long run, it will inevitably face the constraint of factor supply bottleneck and the restriction of shrinking demand, leading to the unsustainable reproduction. As China enters a new era of development, people's requirements for the quality of life have shifted from "yes" to "no". In order to meet the people's needs for a better life, it is imperative to change from a development mode supported by traditional productivity to a development mode supported by new quality productivity, that is, to promote the transformation of traditional productivity to new quality productivity, Realize the transformation of the development mode supported by the input of production factors with low technical level to the development mode supported by the input of high-quality production factors formed on the basis of scientific and technological innovation, promote high-quality economic development, and meet the target needs of Chinese modernization and the people's pursuit of a better life with high-quality productivity creation. It can be seen that high-quality development is essentially the development driven by new quality productivity. Only by vigorously promoting technological innovation, institutional innovation and management innovation, and cultivating new quality productivity through innovation, can high-quality economic development be achieved.


Fourth, developing new quality productive forces is a powerful weapon to safeguard national security. After the founding of New China, relying on self-reliance and hard work, it has gradually established a manufacturing system with complete industries, strong supporting capacity and large production scale, becoming the world's second largest economy. China's rapid development has made important contributions to world development and has been widely recognized, but it has been hostile and suppressed by western anti China forces. Individual countries demonize China's development achievements, vigorously promote China's "threat" theory, vigorously advocate "risk reduction", deliberately promote "decoupling and chain disconnection", and attempt to exclude China from the global industrial chain supply chain system. This has seriously damaged the order of international economic and trade relations, damaged the security of the global industrial chain supply chain, and posed a serious threat to China's national security, It is a blatant act of unilateralism, protectionism and hegemonism. To this end, we should vigorously strengthen international cooperation, promote the formation of international consensus and norms to safeguard the safety of the global industrial chain supply chain and eliminate interference from non economic factors, and strive to prevent bad behaviors that undermine the global industrial chain and supply chain through international cooperation. At the same time, we should vigorously develop new quality productivity, and strive to build an independent, controllable, safe and reliable high-tech supported industrial chain Supply chain, forge a number of "killer" technologies, continue to enhance the advantages of the whole industrial chain in high-speed railway, electric power equipment, communication equipment, electric vehicles, clean energy and other fields, enhance the dependence of the international industrial chain on China, form a strong ability to counter and deter Western behaviors endangering China's national security, and earnestly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.


4、 The main path to accelerate the development of new quality productivity


The theory of new quality productivity provides fundamental guidance for China to accelerate the development of new quality productivity and promote high-quality development. Specifically, the path to accelerate the development of new quality productivity mainly includes the following aspects.


First, create and apply means of labor with higher technical content, promote new industries, new models and new driving forces, and seize the core elements of developing new quality productivity. one )Accelerate the construction of the national innovation system. The experience of scientific and technological development in various countries shows that national innovation system is an important institutional support for scientific and technological innovation. Accelerating the development of new quality productivity cannot be separated from the blessing of the national innovation system. We should focus on building a national innovation system, integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, gather all forces to tackle original and leading key core technologies, and create more key technologies that lead the development of new quality productivity Hard technology And promote the iterative upgrading of labor materials to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology. two )Accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements. Industrialization is the only way to transform scientific and technological innovation achievements into real productive forces. The leading condition for the development of new quality productivity is scientific and technological innovation, and the realization condition is the industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements. We should apply scientific and technological innovation achievements to specific industries and industrial chains in a timely manner, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, focus on cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, actively layout future industries, and improve the modern industrial system. three )Improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain. The safety of the industrial chain is related to national sovereignty and development interests. The development of new quality productivity must be coordinated with development and safety. We should not only strengthen the foundation of the industrial chain with the development of new quality productivity, improve the modernization level of the industrial chain, and promote high-quality development, but also achieve self-reliance in science and technology, and independent and controllable industrial system, so as to effectively resist external shocks and crises, and ensure stable and long-term economic development. four )Promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. The digital economy and the real economy are the two wings of the economic take-off, and they are indispensable. Closely combining the two with new quality productivity will produce“ 1+1>2” The effect of. We should strengthen the integration of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, and the industrial Internet with the real economy, vigorously promote the application of digital, networked, and intelligent production tools, so that the real economy can achieve a qualitative leap under the support of new quality productivity.


Second, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. The modern industrial system is the carrier and concrete realization form of the new quality productivity. To accelerate the development of new quality productivity, we must accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. one )We will focus on strengthening the transformation and upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry, and promote the traditional manufacturing industry to move towards the middle and high end of the value chain. We will implement the industrial foundation reconstruction project, strengthen industrial technological innovation, and strengthen the basic support system for traditional manufacturing. Carry out research on key core technologies and industrial application demonstration for traditional manufacturing industry, and strengthen innovation iteration of new technologies and new products. Promote the forging of long plates in the advantageous fields of traditional manufacturing industry, and promote strong chain extension and chain supplement. We will eliminate outdated production capacity in accordance with the law and regulations, and resolutely curb the blind start of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. We will promote the traditional manufacturing industry to accelerate the depreciation of fixed assets and equipment renewal, and raise the standards for technological transformation of enterprises. Promote AI, big data, cloud computing 5G , IoT and other technologies are deeply integrated with the whole process and all elements of the traditional manufacturing industry, making the traditional manufacturing industry significantly more intelligent, digital and green. two )We will focus on fostering strategic emerging industries. The development of strategic emerging industries, such as high-end equipment manufacturing, biological manufacturing, artificial intelligence, new materials, new energy, and marine economy, should be the top priority, and they should continue to grow bigger and stronger. We will continue to increase support for technological breakthroughs and promote breakthroughs in key core technologies. At the same time, we will strengthen financing services for strategic emerging industries. three )Actively layout and build future industries. Future industries are obviously forward-looking, strategic, leading and disruptive. Accelerating the cultivation of future industries is an important way to cultivate new drivers and advantages and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. It is necessary to carry out forward-looking layout and continuous cultivation of cutting-edge technologies and industries such as brain like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep-sea aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, so as to seize the commanding heights of future industrial competition. We should strengthen government guidance, comprehensively use financial, financial and other means to reduce innovation costs and risks, create a good environment for innovation, and increase the willingness of enterprises to innovate.


Third, cultivate a new workforce. "We should follow the requirements of developing new quality productivity, smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents, and improve the working mechanism of talent training, introduction, use, and reasonable flow." one )Promote the effective and integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents, carry out the cultivation of digital technology talents, and consolidate the talent base in intelligent manufacturing, big data, blockchain, integrated circuit and other fields. two )Implement the action of strengthening enterprises with skills and the skill foundation project of manufacturing industry, and cultivate highly skilled talents to lead industrial development in advanced manufacturing, modern service industry, health care services and other fields. three )We should give priority to the development of education, focus on cultivating top-notch innovative talents, and cultivate more strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders, as well as a reserve of young scientific and technological talents with international competitiveness. four )Concentrate resources and strength to build a group of high skilled talent training bases, skill master studios, skill master homes, and build a platform for skill inheritance, display and exchange. five )Grasp the new trend and characteristics of talent globalization, implement a more active, open and effective talent introduction policy, build an entrepreneurial platform for all kinds of global talents, and introduce more high-level and high-level talents with innovative ability.


Fourth, accelerate the development of green productivity. Green productivity is also a new quality productivity. Firmly establish and practice the idea that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development. Accelerate the innovation of green science and technology and the promotion and application of advanced green technology, strengthen green manufacturing, develop green service industry, expand green energy, develop green low-carbon industries and supply chains, and build a green low-carbon circular economy system. Vigorously develop the recycling and comprehensive utilization industry of waste steel, waste power batteries, waste household appliances, and waste textiles, promote the recycling of industrial wastewater, and improve the level of industrial water resources intensive conservation. We will continue to optimize the economic policy toolbox to support green and low-carbon development, give full play to the role of green finance as a traction, create efficient ecological green industrial clusters, advocate green and healthy lifestyles in the whole society, and accelerate the green transformation of the development mode. We will implement carbon peaking in key areas, improve industrial energy conservation management systems, promote energy conservation and carbon reduction technology transformation, and help carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.


Fifth, promote the transformation and adjustment of industrial organization and industrial form, constantly improve the efficiency of production factor combination, and improve labor productivity. We will expand and strengthen a number of leading backbone enterprises with high industrial relevance and strong international competitiveness, as well as ecological leading enterprises with industrial chain control power, and cultivate a number of specialized and new "small giant" enterprises and "single champion" enterprises. We will encourage leading backbone enterprises to play a good role in promoting the integration of the industrial chain, so as to achieve the integration and development of large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Relying on the free flow, collaborative sharing and efficient use of production factors, we will promote the transformation of the production organization mode to a platform, network and ecological one, create an industrial ecosystem with extensive participation, resource sharing, accurate matching and close collaboration, and accelerate the value collaboration and value co creation of the whole industrial chain supply chain. Promote the cross-border integration of existing business types and digital business types, derive and superimpose new links, new chains and new forms of activities. Accelerate the development of new business types such as smart manufacturing, digital trade, smart logistics, and smart agriculture, promote precision supply and high-quality supply, and better meet and create new demand.


Sixth, give full play to the advantages of the socialist system and provide a strong institutional guarantee for the development of new quality productive forces. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "socialism with Chinese characteristics has many characteristics and characteristics, but the most essential feature is to adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Strengthening the leadership of the Party in economic work and comprehensively improving the level of the Party's leadership in economic work are the inevitable requirements of adhering to democratic centralism, and also the advantages of our political system. The Party is in charge of the overall situation and coordinates all parties. Economic work is the central work. Of course, the leadership of the Party should be fully reflected in the central work. If the central work is grasped, other work can be better carried out. " To develop the new quality productive forces, we should give full play to the role of the Party in taking overall responsibility and coordinating all parties. Party organizations at all levels should take the planning and development of new quality productivity as the primary task, promote the deep integration of the Party's leadership with enterprise production and operation, industrial transformation and upgrading, and effectively transform the political and organizational advantages of the Party's leadership into a powerful driving force for the development of new quality productivity. Public ownership as the main body and the common development of diversified ownership economies are the basis of ownership of socialism with Chinese characteristics and an important institutional guarantee for the development of new quality production. State owned enterprises have strong innovation ability, innovation strength and organizational platform advantages. They should focus on building a number of strategic emerging industrial clusters and implement "artificial intelligence" AI+” And other special actions to accelerate technological breakthroughs to support industrial development, form landmark achievements in key areas such as biology, new materials and new energy vehicles, accelerate the cultivation of pioneering enterprises, leading enterprises and unicorn enterprises, innovate the cooperation mode of central enterprises, local and large, small and medium-sized enterprises of all kinds of ownership, and better give play to the role of state-owned enterprises in accelerating the formation of new quality productivity We will strengthen the role of the main force in new drivers of development. We should give full play to the advantages of the socialist distribution system with distribution according to work as the main body and multiple distribution modes coexisting, improve the system and mechanism for capital, land, technology, knowledge, management, data and other production factors to participate in distribution according to their contributions, encourage factor owners to actively invest in scientific and technological innovation of various production factors, improve the efficiency of factor use, and promote the development of new quality productivity. We should give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, fully stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation of market players, innovate the allocation and combination of production factors, let all kinds of high-quality production factors flow smoothly through the market to the cultivation of new quality productivity, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and promote the production of disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies.



Source: China University Social Sciences, 2024, Issue 3