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The global share is 4.52%, and RMB ranks the fourth largest payment currency in the world for six consecutive months

2024-05-24 09:31:00
Source: China Securities Network
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Shanghai Securities News (reporter Fan Zimeng) The monthly report and data statistics of RMB released by Swift recently show that in April 2024, in the ranking of global payment currencies based on amount statistics, RMB will remain the fourth most dynamic currency in the world, accounting for 4.52%.

In terms of quantity, compared with March 2024, the total amount of RMB payment decreased by 3.07%, while the total amount of payment in all currencies increased by 0.58%.

Swift data also shows that in April 2024, the US dollar, the euro and the British pound will occupy 47.31%, 22.55% and 6.84% of the top three payment amounts in major currencies. The Japanese yen remained fifth, accounting for 3.97%. In addition, if international payments outside the euro area are taken as the statistical yardstick, the RMB ranked fifth in the month, accounting for 3.08%.

Since November 2023, the proportion of global payments of RMB has surpassed the Japanese yen and risen to the fourth most active currency in the world, which has been at this level for the sixth consecutive month.

[Editor in charge: Li Dan]