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How does Unicom broadband measure speed? Explanation of relevant contents

2023-06-06 09:36:55 Source: internet

(Related data drawing)

Hello, boys and girls, today I will give you a little knowledge about science popularization. In our daily life, we are more or less exposed to how to measure the speed of Unicom broadband? Now let's take a look at some of the following statements. Some of the kids are not very familiar with them. Today, we will give you a detailed introduction about how to measure the speed of Unicom broadband? Let's take a look at the relevant contents.

1. Open the search and enter: 'Online speed test Unicom' to search.

2. In the search results, click to open the first website to measure the network speed.

3. After opening, the network type you are currently connected to will be displayed on the home page,

4. Click the "Start Speed Measurement" button on the home page.

5. Click to start speed measurement.

6. The test results will be available soon

7. You can click the 'i' sign next to the broadband speed. After clicking, a new page will be opened, and a broadband rate comparison table will be displayed. You can refer to your download speed according to this comparison table to see how much the corresponding broadband is. Don't be fooled by broadband providers.

key word: velocity measurement

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