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What did the actors of my brilliant life tell me

2023-06-06 09:21:40 Source: internet

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Hello, boys and girls, today I will give you a little knowledge about science popularization. In our daily life, we are more or less exposed to the actors of my brilliant life, some of whom are not very familiar. Today, I will introduce the actors of my brilliant life in detail.

My Brilliant Life is adapted from the Korean drama Brilliant Heritage, an urban love drama directed by Chen Mingzhang and starring Yan Chengxu, Concubine Chen Yanfei, Weng Hong, Fang Fang, Liu Wei, Xinzi, etc. The play premiered on Oriental Satellite TV on November 21, 2011.

In the play, the father of Xia Qingtian, played by Chen Yanfei, dies unexpectedly, and his stepmother takes away all his father's inheritance. Therefore, Xia Qingtian had to go to work to support himself. Xia Qingtian joined Junsheng Catering Group Company to work. He met Liu Yuhao, the successor of the company group who was addicted to amusement played by Yan Chengxu, and was loved by Yuhao's grandmother. In order to encourage Yu Hao, Grandma announced that Xia Qingtian would inherit all the Liu family's heritage. From then on, Liu Yuhao was always in trouble with Xia Qingtian, and in the process, the two also changed from enemies to lovers.

key word: splendid

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