
    [Slow hands] The new national standard battery car of science and technology aesthetics

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    [New Continental Leyan Electric Vehicle] The perfect combination of technology and aesthetics shows the fashion personality. The new national standard battery car is safe, reliable and reassuring! New Dazhou Leyan electric vehicle is equipped with 48V12Ah large capacity battery, which has a strong long-term performance. The intelligent electronic control system is adopted, which is safe and stable, so that you can ride without worry. The appearance is simple and elegant, with lightweight and comfortable cushions and handlebars to make your riding more comfortable. The purchase of this electric vehicle can also enjoy a preferential activity of reducing 1300 yuan from 2799 yuan. The actual payment can be started at 1599 yuan. If you are looking for an electric car with excellent performance and fashionable appearance, the New Continental Leyan electric car will be your first choice!

    This promotional activity is limited to Jingdong Mall. This is a rare opportunity. Please hurry up and place an order. The new Dazhou Leyan electric car, which costs 2899 yuan, can be bought at 1599 yuan. Hurry up and let this electric car become your travel partner!

     [Slow hands] The new national standard battery car of science and technology aesthetics

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] The new national standard battery car of science and technology aesthetics true report nine hundred and twenty-three [New Continental Leyan Electric Vehicle] The perfect combination of technology and aesthetics shows the fashion personality. The new national standard battery car is safe, reliable and reassuring! New Dazhou Leyan electric vehicle is equipped with 48V12Ah large capacity battery, which has a strong long-term performance. The intelligent electronic control system is adopted, which is safe and stable, so that you can ride without worry. The appearance is simple and elegant, with lightweight and comfortable cushions and handlebars to make your riding more comfortable. Buy
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