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 Senior member of Garden Network The 9th year
Dingzhou Mingyuan Nursery Farm Business license certification Personal identity authentication
Address: Wangxiying Village, Daxinzhuang Town, Dingzhou, Hebei
Contact: Xu Jianfeng Click here to send me a message
Postal code: 073006
Mobile: 13931254623
Other numbers: 13931254623
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WeChat: 13931254623

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 Dingzhou Mingyuan Nursery Farm Dingzhou Mingyuan Nursery Farm is located in Dongwangxi Development Zone, Daxinzhuang Town, Dingzhou City, Hebei Province. Founded in 1999, it has a nursery stock base of more than 20000 mu. Over the years, its nursery stock has been sold to * regions. More than 10 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Tianjin, have won praise from various engineering units. Our base focuses on the breeding of improved varieties, focuses on quality and efficiency, aims at efficient production of improved varieties, and takes modern and scientific management as guarantee to increase scientific and technological content, improve the grade and level of seedlings, always stand at the forefront of the market, lead the trend of seedlings, highlight advantages, and truly become a new modern nursery with characteristics! Characteristic seedlings include Sabina vulgaris, Platycladus orientalis, Beijing Sabina chinensis, Pagoda Sabina chinensis, Wangdu Pagoda Sabina chinensis, Golden Leaf Paraffin, Purple Leaf Paraffin, Euonymus japonicus, Korean Boxtree, Big Leaf Euonymus japonicus, Small Leaf Euonymus japonicus, Red Leaf Berberis, Golden Leaf Ulmus pumila, Golden Leaf Caryopteris, Golden Flame Embroidery chrysanthemum, Pearl Embroidery chrysanthemum, Pingzhi Xunzi, Golden Leaf Privet, Spruce, Pinus tabulaeformis, Cedarus bungeana, Pinus armandii The flowers and shrubs have red prince, red rosewood, yellow rosewood, yellow thorn plum, four seasons rose, red rose, honeysuckle, purple lilac, white lilac, hot horse lilac, north China forsythia, northeast forsythia, golden bell forsythia, golden leaf forsythia, welcome the spring

Product quotation more
Product name Specifications Price (yuan) Company Update time remarks
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 30cm zero point two bud 2024-02-07 Price changes with the market
Iris germanica Height: 30cm zero point three bud 2024-02-07 Price changes with the market
Gynura segetum Height: 15cm Crown diameter: 10cm one point two plant 2024-02-07
Gynura segetum Height: 20cm Crown diameter: 15cm one point five plant 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 10cm Crown diameter: 8cm zero point eight plant 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 10cm zero point one five bud 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 15cm zero point one eight bud 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 20cm zero point two bud 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 25cm zero point two two bud 2024-02-07
Ground cover chrysanthemum Height: 30cm zero point two five bud 2024-02-07
Dingzhou Mingyuan Nursery Farm Address: Wangxiying Village, Daxinzhuang Town, Dingzhou, Hebei Tel:-
technical support: Garden network Administrator Portal
Business License No.: Zhe B2-20100396 Advertising Business License No.: 330100000040968 ZGZAB No. 33010402003154
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