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      The 8th Shandong Moral Model Zhu Fenghua: Cross the blood relationship photo, love, filial piety, old age, love, family tree model

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    Source: Dezhou Civilization Website Published on: December 7, 2021-12

    Zhu Fenghua, 57, is a villager in Shengliu Village, Zhengjiazhai Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou City. Her kindness and virtue are widely praised. After more than 30 years of marriage, she was very filial to her grandfather, grandmother, parents in law and uncles, and took good care of her brother and niece, which was unanimously praised by the masses.

    It has successively won the honorary titles of "Lingcheng District Four Virtues Model", "Lingcheng District Good People Star", "Dezhou Good People Star", "2019 Moved Dezhou Top Ten People", and "Dezhou Seventh Moral Model". Recently, he was awarded "Shandong Model of Morality".

    In 1988, Zhu Fenghua married her husband Wang Tao. Her husband, Wang Tao, has two brothers, and her younger brother, Wang Lujun, is weak and sickly. Considering that her father-in-law and mother-in-law have to take care of her brother's family, Zhu Fenghua and her husband took the initiative to support their grandparents. They first lived with their grandparents and took good care of their daily life. At that time, the family was not rich. Zhu Fenghua always left nutritious and rare food for her grandparents to eat. When cooking, she always considered the preferences of the elderly first, and also paid attention to nutrition matching, so that the two elderly people would be willing to eat and meet their nutritional needs.

    His grandfather Wang Keren suffered from Alzheimer's disease in 1994 and was unable to take care of himself. Zhu Fenghua dressed, fed, and changed clothes for the old man, and served him meticulously. It is said that there was no filial son before his bed for a long time, but Zhu Fenghua served his grandfather carefully for 9 years until he died in 2003 at the age of 79. Grandma died of pulmonary heart disease in 1996. Zhu Fenghua has taken good care of her grandparents for 15 years to support them.

    Although Zhu Fenghua's husband's younger brother Wang Lujun has married and moved on, his wife is mentally ill and can only take care of her own life. Some heavy housework and farm work in the field cannot be done at all. Zhu Fenghua's mother-in-law, Liang Xiuying, suffers from bronchitis and cannot do heavy work, especially in winter.

    In 2009, Zhu Fenghua's father and brother had a kidney transplant operation in Jinan Hospital. Just after the operation, she received a phone call from her brother-in-law Wang Lujun, saying that his family had called a construction team to build a house and asked Zhu Fenghua to come back to help cook for the construction staff. Zhu Fenghua, who is going to serve her father and younger brother in the hospital for a long time, is worried about difficulties. On the one hand, she is her own father and younger brother, and on the other hand, she is her husband's younger brother. After much deliberation, she returned to her husband's home to help her uncle cook and build the house. She has been busy for more than 20 days.

    When she returned to the hospital after building the house, her father and brother were ready to leave the hospital and go home for rest. "At that time, I felt very sad and sorry for my father and brother. They had such a big operation, and I couldn't stay in the hospital for a few more days." Zhu Fenghua recalled the situation at that time and was still very excited.

    In 2014, Wang Lujun suffered from liver ascites. Zhu Fenghua and his wife took him to see doctors in major hospitals and also helped raise medical expenses. They served carefully in the hospital during hospitalization until his death in 2015, a total of more than six months. During this period, Zhu Fenghua's son Wang Zeyong went to the army. Zhu Fenghua and his wife were busy waiting on their brother Wang Lujun in the hospital at that time. They didn't have time and mood to see their son off. In retrospect, Zhu Fenghua felt he owed his son.

    Since his brother Wang Lujun died, his daughter-in-law has remarried to another place. Zhu Fenghua took on the responsibility of taking care of his niece Wang Yu again. She regarded her niece as her own daughter. Knowing that her niece was at the age of growing up, Zhu Fenghua bought her milk, fruit, meat, etc. to ensure nutrition. Knowing that girls love to dress up, I took my niece to buy clothes when her niece was on holiday and dressed her up beautifully.

    Because his mother suffered from mental illness and his father died early, his niece in adolescence also rebelled, did not study hard in school and violated school discipline. After learning this, Zhu Fenghua used weekends and holidays to educate her patiently and carefully, to reason with her, to help her eliminate her inferiority complex, to get out of the misunderstanding, and to start studying hard. In junior high school, Zhu Fenghua picked up his niece every week; After high school, Zhu Fenghua was afraid that her niece could not eat or drink well when she was staying at school. Every holiday, Zhu Fenghua bought milk, fruit, etc., and asked her niece to take her to school. Every time, she always paid more for living expenses. When the climate suddenly changed, Zhu Fenghua took the clothes and sent them to school for his niece. After the holiday, Zhu Fenghua cooked delicious food for his niece, just like serving his own daughter.

    Wang Ruchang, her father-in-law, and Liang Xiuying, her mother-in-law, are old. Zhu Fenghua and his wife are the backbone of the family. Zhu Fenghua always takes the lead in farm work and household work, and never complains. Zhu Fenghua is considerate of her father-in-law and mother-in-law and never lets them do heavy work. In life, they are more considerate. Every market buys fresh vegetables, fruits and meat for them. Add clothes and change bedding for them every season. While taking good care of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, she often said to the two old people: "When you feel uncomfortable, you must tell them as soon as possible that we can go to the hospital early, so that you will suffer less." When their father-in-law and mother-in-law are ill, Zhu Fenghua buys medicine for them in time and takes them to the hospital for medical treatment. Her mother-in-law suffers from tracheitis and needs to take medicine all the year round. Zhu Fenghua buys medicine for her in time and asks the doctor to give her infusion treatment in time every season.

    In 2014, Wang Ruhe, the uncle who suffered from mental illness and was alone, became seriously ill. He only knew how to eat and drink, and needed people to take care of his daily life. Considering that both her father-in-law and mother-in-law are in their 70s, and they can't worry about and get involved, she took the responsibility of serving her uncle again. According to common sense, Zhu Fenghua has no obligation to serve uncle. But she never thought so. She always said, "Everyone will be old one day. My uncle will have no children, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law will be old again. We must serve my uncle well, or we will have a hard conscience."

    Today, Zhu Fenghua has become the secretary of the party branch of Shengliu Village and the guide of new rural customs. He has made full use of the "March 8th" Festival, the Spring Festival and other traditional festivals, and has taken part in the village symposium by carrying out "Five Good Civilized Families", "Good Mothers in law" and "Good Daughters in law", taking deepening the activities of the United States and Germany in the family as an effective carrier to organize women to participate in the creation of spiritual civilization. "I am strict with myself, take the lead in setting an example, use my personality to lead the team, build an image, and bring out a good village style," she said.

    (Public Newspaper · Public Daily Client reporter Zhang Shuangshuang's correspondent Jiao Limei and Wang Shusheng report)

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