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In order to facilitate the search of young partners, we have summarized all the service platforms under Mr. Du, including stopped services, public service, paid services, and public service provided by other partners. This article is updated at any time. If you have any questions, please leave a message on the page!

Coolify is an open source, self hosting application deployment and hosting platform designed to provide developers with functions similar to Heroku, Netlify and Vercel. It allows users to deploy and manage various applications, static websites, API back-end services and databases on their own servers.

With the popularization and development of the Internet, the number of Web applications is increasing, and various network problems are emerging in endlessly. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the performance and availability of these Web applications. Today's article shares with you a very useful website analysis project!

Recently, the GitLab hosted by Qunhui is very unstable. It must be that the performance of Qunhui is not enough. Considering that the performance of soft routing has a lot of redundancy, we want to migrate to soft routing. As a result, Aikuai failed to run. I saw the recommendation of Song Children's Boots some time ago and decided to change to iStoreOS!

In the last article, we used rsync+inotify to achieve real-time file synchronization. inotify is often used to monitor changes in target files. This textbook explains how to realize the synchronous backup of files through sersync. The bottom layer still uses rsync+inotify, which has the advantage of only operating on the changed directory data, or even synchronizing different parts of a file.

It has been disclosed before that Mr. Du's "Go or Not" map bed uses three-point backup. In addition to local backup, there are intranet storage backup and cloud backup. The intranet storage backup is realized through rsync, and the synchronization cycle is half an hour. In the near future, we plan to cooperate with inotifywait to achieve real-time file synchronization!

By default, Artalk only needs to fill in the nickname and email address to make comments without verifying the email address. But sometimes, we hope that users can use social accounts to log in, so as to reduce the time for users to fill in information, or improve the authenticity of user information, so Teacher Du decided to open social login to achieve this goal.

With the help of a group of friends, Mr. Du finally finished beautifying the talk page. I am very impressed with this. It's really not good not to know the front end, but I just can't learn it. This code matches Volantis, and can adapt to the night mode. If you are interested, you can try to deploy it. If you have any questions, don't ask them. Neither will Mr. Du~

Many children feel that the access speed mentioned by Mr. Du is very fast, and the external chain of the map bed is relatively stable. They often ask Mr. Du which CDN he uses. Here is a unified reply: Mr. Du said that all his services use self built CDNs. Today, I have a whim to set up a self built CDN alliance. Interested partners can come in and check the rules!

Recently, I often saw short videos of "shameless people", and I especially liked Carl's part, which instantly aroused Mr. Du's desire to collect. If you want to see it or not, please download it into Qunhui first. However, it cannot be played through Video Station, and it will be prompted that the currently selected audio track is not supported. Here's how to solve the problem that Qunhui does not support the currently selected audio track by replacing the audio track with FFmpeg!

This article describes how to solve the error code 0x80070643 when updating Windows. The reason is that the WinRE recovery environment is insufficient. First, disable WinRE by entering the command prompt, adjust the disk management tool, expand the C disk space and create a new WinRE partition, and finally restart WinRE and complete the system update.

Update a detailed tutorial on mounting WebDAV in Linux according to the requirements of Python_Ryan. In addition, Mr. Du is currently traveling in Yanji, and his schedule is full. Recently, the update has been postponed, and his comments have also been answered. If you have any questions, please leave a message. Teacher Du will reply as soon as possible after seeing it!

Don't ask, ask is no time, ask is in hydrology. However, Mr. Du promised that this is the last article and that he would not update the course on Cloudve in the future unless there is a need from a partner. Later, Mr. Du will update some interesting services, but only provide teaching materials. The server resources are limited, and the service platform will not be provided temporarily.

In addition to supporting Docker container deployment, Cloudhive also officially provides single service deployment. The operation is very simple. You only need one file to set up and run Cloudrestore. This article introduces the Cloudve deployment process and the background running through the registration service or daemon.

One feature of Cloudrestore is that it can be integrated with Aria2 to realize offline download function. The last tutorial only describes the deployment of Cloudrestore, not how to deploy Aria2 and how to integrate. This tutorial explains how to deploy Cloudsave and Aria2 through Docker Compose.

A personal online disk tool building tutorial was sent before, and some of the functions can not be used normally according to the feedback of friends. I hope Mr. Du can recommend other online disk systems. After struggling for a long time, Mr. Du decided to take out Cloudreve. As for the reason for the tangle, after all, many children have written similar tutorials. Miss Du wants to copy and paste hydrology~

Mr. Du has reproduced more than 70 databases. Every time the source database is updated, it needs to be synchronized manually one by one, which is too troublesome. Today, let's share an automatic synchronization script. If you need it, you can try it. Note: If there are changes to the local database, it is recommended to use PR to synchronize to avoid code overwriting.

Many children are accustomed to using Alist, Cloudreve and other software to manage storage. Today, Teacher Du recommends another online disk tool for building. JmalCloud is a private cloud storage network disk project, which can easily and safely manage cloud files.

Two days ago, I found that the loading speed of the expression in the comment area was slow. Teacher Du had been using the soft public welfare CDN, and wanted to go to the project page to give feedback. As a result, I saw the notice of the project line switch. When looking for the NPM accelerator node again, I found that there was very little available, so I wrote this article~

Kener is an open source status page tool designed to make service monitoring and event handling easy. It provides a stylish and user-friendly interface, simplifies tracking service interruptions, and improves communication when events occur. The best thing is Kener's seamless integration with GitHub, which makes it easier to track and solve problems in a collaborative and friendly environment.

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