Langjiu, which was founded in 1903, is produced by the Chishui River, which is known as the "Chinese wine" at the border of Sichuan and Guizhou. Surrounded by high mountains and deep valleys, there is a clear spring, which is called "Langquan" by the world. It is named "Langjiu" because it takes the water from Langquan to make wine.
For more than a century, Langjiu has become one of the few liquor brands with a history of 100 years in China, from "Xuzhi Distillery", "Huichuan Zaofang" to "Jiyi Zaofang".
In recent years, Langjiu Jam, Nong, and Jianjian flavor products, with the connotation of independent personality, fashionable packaging, constantly improving product quality, and brand progress, not only have the product culture and design connotation been continuously improved, but also the output, quality, and sales increased simultaneously. This is the embodiment of Langjiu's strong brand strength.
In terms of marketing, Langjiu adopts the unique business division+office marketing model, puts forward the concept of value marketing, constantly adds strong cultural elements, and inherits traditional liquor culture to enhance product value and brand connotation.
In terms of products, the "Qunlang Strategy" with the Maotai flavor model Honghualang as the first wolf has achieved great success, and the brand idea of "creating history is better than representing history" has been put forward by the concurrently fragrant bridegroom wine, which has made great achievements. However, the newly listed Luzhou flavor Langpai Tequ has quickly occupied the market of Luzhou flavor products. In 2010, Langjiu was the only liquor enterprise to obtain two certificates of Maotai flavor representative and concurrently flavor representative of Chinese liquor issued by China Brewing Industry Association, leading the new standard of liquor products and promoting the upgrading of industry quality.
In terms of brand building, Langjiu is actively building a big brand and moving towards a luxury brand. In recent years, Langjiu has fully exploited the advertising resources and brand value of CCTV to help the enterprise grow, and has built a strong brand and achieved leapfrog development by continuously launching CCTV. In particular, it has been named "Spring Festival Gala" of CCTV for three consecutive years, making Langjiu brand and Chinese elements well integrated and popular. In addition, Langjiu also combines with fashion culture in the brand to make the brand young and energetic. For example, in 2010, the 50th Miss International explored Langjiu and launched the theme publicity campaign of "Beauty of Langjiu · World Vision" to build momentum for the brand of Langjiu.
       1、 Funding objects and amount
Students who participated in the 2012 college entrance examination and received the undergraduate admission notice, and whose families were poor and unable to afford tuition fees, were unable to enter the university (key undergraduate students were given priority under the same conditions). According to the 400000 volunteer products provided by Langjiu Group, the subsidy standard was set at 4000-5000 yuan per person (about 80-100 poor students can be funded). Generally, students who have enjoyed other forms of state or social assistance will no longer be the object of financial assistance (special circumstances can also be included).
    2、 Activity form
Langjiu Group provided Langjiu at different levels with a value of 400000 yuan for this activity, and sold it to the public. All the money from the charity sale was used to help poor students, and the buyers had the right to supervise the money.
    3、 Activity Steps
This activity starts on July 10 and ends on August 31. The activity is implemented in three stages:
The first stage: the deployment and publicity launch stage (July 13 - July 22).
The second stage: charity sale and purchase (July 23 August 23).
The third stage: the stage of donation (August 24-31).

Respected people from all walks of life:
Every July season, there are some poor students around you and me who have gone through ten years of hardship and won the first place in the list. They are wandering outside the university because they cannot afford to pay their tuition fees. Some of their parents were laid off; Some family members suffer from long-term illness; Some families suffer from natural disasters; Some even lost their parents and were facing dropout due to poverty. Although each has its own misfortune, they all have a common expectation, that is, they are eager to go to school and study like their peers, and to feel the warmth of society in this sunny era.
In order to realize the college dream of poor students, the charity sale of "Lang helps Lang to go to school" in our county has been officially launched. Langjiu Group will provide Langjiu at different levels with a value of 400000 yuan, and make a public charity sale. All the money from the charity sale will be donated to poor students in Deqing County. Through this kind of charity sale, people from all walks of life will gather their love to achieve the effect that everyone can gather firewood and make fire, so as to raise more donations and help more poor students enter the university hall.
Give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands. Donating money to help students is meritorious. We sincerely appeal that all caring organizations, caring enterprises and caring people should participate in our activities! Your kindness can help children who are facing dropout realize their dreams of college; Your kindness can change the fate of a person's life. What you sow is warmth, but what you achieve is noble life.
Friends! Let's take action together and use our love to illuminate the path of poor students; Use our love to light the light of hope for poor families.

Coordination Group for Charity Sale Donation Activities
July 16, 2012

If you just entered the university this year, and if your family is poor and can't afford the tuition, once you are included in the recipient, you can get a free scholarship of 4000~5000 yuan.
Sponsored by the County Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Education Bureau, the County News Media Development Center, Sichuan Langjiu Group Company, co organized by the County Charity Federation, and undertaken by Deqing Shengyuan Food Trade Co., Ltd., the "Lang Helping Lang · Going to School" charity sale donation activity is mainly aimed at Deqing County, and participated in the 2012 college entrance examination and obtained the undergraduate admission notice. The family is poor, Students who cannot afford the tuition and cannot enter the university (key undergraduate students are preferred under the same conditions).
If you have just entered the university this year, and if your family is poor and still worried about not raising tuition fees, please register with us in time.
Provide information:
1. Name; 2. Gender; 3. Age; 4. Full name of the school; 5. Grade; 6. Family situation; 7. Contact number (personal number or school number)
Note: Indicate the causes of poverty, academic achievements and social volunteer activities.

Registration Tel.: 8077001
Place of application: Window on the first floor of News Media Development Center, 247 Zhongxing South Road, Wukang Town

· "Lang Helps Lang · Go to School" Charity Sale Donation Ceremony Held    08/31
· Home of poverty is a double blessing    08/30
· Happy to receive student aid    08/29
· Twins from poor families were admitted to good schools    08/27
· "Lang helps Lang to go to school" love fund began to be distributed    08/27
· Lang helps Lang, goes to school and donates money to help students    08/01