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The Talent Work Leading Group Meeting of the County Party Committee and the "Three Teams" Construction Promotion Meeting were held
Time: May 15, 2024 Source: Author: reporter Dong Hua Cai Jun

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On the occasion of the "520 Huzhou Talent Day", yesterday afternoon, the county party committee's talent work leading group meeting and the "three teams" construction promotion meeting were held to study and deploy the talent work of the whole county in the next stage. Wang Bo, secretary of the county party committee, presided over and delivered a speech, and Wang Jianfeng, Chen Jian and other county leaders attended.

The meeting heard the Action Plan for Further Deepening the First Strategy of Building a Strong County with Talents, Innovating and Building a Strong County, and pointed out that comprehensively strengthening the construction of the "three teams" is the new positioning and mission of the provincial party committee based on "being the pioneer and writing a new chapter", and the tractive, systematic and strategic deployment is the practical need to develop new quality productivity, It is the only way for high-quality development. The whole county should understand the importance of the construction of the "three teams" from a strategic height and a global perspective, constantly enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the construction of the "three teams", gather talents from all over the world with greater efforts and more practical measures, and provide hard core support for promoting the "strong industrial county".

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to firmly establish the "big talent concept", push forward in an integrated way and implement the "ten major actions" in a closed-loop manner, and promote the construction of the "three teams" to achieve new improvements and breakthroughs. We should focus on the cadre team, focus on the requirements of "fighting bravely for the first", give full play to the role of young cadres, retired but not retired cadres, and village community cadres, further improve various evaluation mechanisms, and comprehensively stimulate and mobilize the ambition and spirit of the cadre team; We should focus on innovative talents and entrepreneurs, focus on the industrial layout and enterprise needs, increase efforts to introduce high-level talents and entrepreneurial talents, further build a new generation of entrepreneurial talent pool, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of respect, support, and concern for entrepreneurs; We should focus on the workforce, pay more attention to the ability and quality training of skilled personnel, education and health personnel, modern "new farmers", social workers, and strive to forge a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative workers.

The meeting stressed that all platforms, towns (sub districts) and departments should firmly establish the awareness of "one game of chess", strengthen coordination and compact responsibilities, focus on talent introduction, education, employment and retention, further optimize talent policies, deepen value-added services, improve the development environment, and treat every talent with the greatest tolerance and the best courtesy, We will continue to stimulate the innovation and creativity of all kinds of talents, and truly make Deqing a place where outstanding cadres come forth in large numbers, where talents aspire to gather, where businesses are valued and loved, and where skilled craftsmen emerge.