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Smart bus center project runs out of "acceleration"
Time: April 17, 2023 Source: Author: reporter Lu Yanling

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Recently, when we walked into the construction site, the reporter saw several towering tower cranes waving "long arms" to efficiently transport building materials such as steel bars and boards, engineering vehicles shuttling back and forth, and the construction workers were working in a tense and orderly manner.

"This building is the location of the hotel. After completion, there will be a panoramic view of the west of the city." Guo Jiayun, the technical director of Deqing Urban and Rural Smart Bus Center, pointed to the construction site while introducing that the project is located on the west side of Lianhe Road, Wukang Street, and the north side of Chunhui Street, with a total construction area of 15503766 square meters and a total investment of 978 million yuan. The project was officially started on December 28, 2021.

"We have nearly 300 workers working every day, racing against the clock to catch up with the progress." Guo Jiayun said frankly that due to the impact of the project site environment, technology and other issues, the progress of some projects was slow in the early stage of construction. In the face of this situation, the Project Department has made reasonable plans, arranged plans in reverse, increased manpower, seized the construction period, and promoted the project rapidly with quality and quantity guaranteed on the premise of ensuring the safe production of the project. "At present, 85% of the main structure has been completed. Next, curtain walls, building lighting and other projects are preparing for entry."

Go all out to rush the construction period, catch up with the progress, ensure the quality, and effectively resolve various difficulties in the project construction. At present, the progress of Deqing Urban and Rural Smart Bus Center project has been about 10 months faster than the estimated construction period, and the project is expected to be completed ahead of schedule. "It is estimated that the completion acceptance will be completed by the end of 2024." According to Ni Weitao, deputy director of the engineering department of Zhejiang Deqing Transportation Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. under the County Communications and Water Conservancy Group, the urban and rural smart public transportation center will be built into an industrial complex integrating office, supporting commerce, smart public transportation center and smart innovation center. After the project is put into operation, it will create a public transportation hub in the west of the city, The improvement of the internal traffic environment has a promoting effect.