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Yao Zhuying: Enjoy watching the old city pass change into the new Qianyuan
Time: 2017-05-03 Source: Author:

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   Character file

Yao Zhuying, female, was born in 1941 in Qianyuan, Deqing. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of East China Normal University in 1965. From January 1990 to January 1991, he studied at Illinois State University. He once served as the deputy director of the Basic English Teaching and Research Section of the Department of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Normal University, the deputy director of the Department of Foreign Languages, and the deputy dean of the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Normal University, in charge of English teaching.

   The Way to Study in the Hard Years of Leaving Home at the Age of 16

Yao Zhuying, 77, was born in Qianyuan Town. Her father had only studied private school for a few years and her mother was illiterate. But this ordinary family has cultivated two intellectuals - Yao Zhuying is a professor of English at Shanghai Normal University, and his brother Yao Zhenhuai is a professor of chemistry at Shanghai University (formerly Shanghai University of Technology).

Father was engaged in silk business in his early years. Before liberation, his business was flourishing and his family was well off. In the 1950s, my father's business was no longer booming, and my family was also in financial difficulties. Even so, she and her brother still study hard. "At that time, I just thought that if I didn't study, there would be no way out," said Yao Zhuying.

After finishing primary school and junior high school in Chengguan, 16-year-old Yao Zhuying and her brother went to Huzhou Middle School to continue their high school education. The tuition of more than 20 yuan per semester was a big expense at that time. In order to support the brother and sister to complete their studies, Yao Zhuying's parents had to constantly sell valuable things at home to pay for their tuition. In the summer of the end of the second year of senior high school, in order to raise his tuition, Yao Zhuying took a break from school for half a year and worked as a substitute teacher in the countryside. After saving enough money, he was able to resume his studies.

In the 1960 college entrance examination, Yao Zhuying did not hesitate to fill in the East China Normal University as the first volunteer. "At that time, teachers were a profession that was highly disrespected by the society. There was a saying among the people: being a teacher was a bench warmer and a king of children, which was not promising. However, the normal major was free of tuition and board fees, which could reduce the burden on the family. I had no choice."

After five years of college life, Shanghai students return home every weekend just like excited magpies. Yao Zhuying, who can only go home in winter and summer vacation, spent her weekends studying at school and doing her homework. In addition to the first semester of college, every subject in the other semesters was excellent, so after graduation, he became one of the few graduates assigned to work as a teacher in the university and settled down in Shanghai.

After only two months as a teaching assistant in the Department of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Normal University, Yao Zhuying, who had not yet stepped onto the podium, was assigned to the Qingsong Brigade of the Silian Commune in the outer suburbs to participate in the work of the "four cleans" (Qing Dynasty ideology, Qing Dynasty politics, Qing Dynasty organization and Qing Dynasty economy), and then went through the cultural revolution and other turbulent historical years.

In 1977, the college entrance examination resumed, and Yao Zhu Yingcai was able to start a normal career as a college teacher. He was elected as a lecturer in 1980, an associate professor in 1986, and served as the vice president of the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Normal University in the 1990s. At that time, a lot of young teachers around them changed jobs to foreign-funded enterprises with generous salaries, and students of the Institute of Foreign Languages were embarrassed that no one attended classes. In charge of teaching, she took the lead by working overtime for classes. This busy state lasted for six years, and she unloaded the heavy administrative burden. Yao Zhuying has been nearly sixty years old.

   The memory of my hometown is firmly bound in my heart

"Since I was 16 years old, I have left my hometown to study in other places. The life in my hometown only accounts for 1/5 of my life, but this 1/5 of my life has influenced me far more than 50 or 60 years in Shanghai." Yao Zhuying has endless topics about her hometown.

In her early years, when her parents were alive, Yao Zhuying often returned home to visit her relatives, but the transportation was inconvenient. "Every time I go back to my hometown, I like to run alone, carrying large bags and small bags. I first take a ship to Linghu, and then change ships to Deqing. Every time I sit on the hard bench of the ship for 20 hours, I am a tired overnight face when I see my relatives."

For many years, the 300 mile journey back home was a painstaking journey for the vagrants of Yao Zhuying's time. "Now I can take the high-speed rail or the direct bus to Deqing in less than one morning." However, when the convenient transportation day came, my father had passed away and my mother had moved to Shanghai. The number of times I returned home was no longer as much as before.

"But my hometown has been calling me, and my attention to Deqing has never abated." Yao Zhuying watches the news broadcast every night. As long as there is a news report from Deqing, she will excitedly call her husband and pull him to watch it together. "A few years ago, Deqing's school bus project attracted national attention. I am very excited and proud of the progress of my hometown," said Yao Zhuying. Even this year's Qianlong Lantern Festival, which only appeared in the news network for three seconds, she could recognize it at a glance. Every time she mentioned her hometown, her pride was expressed in her words.

"I often talk about my hometown with my colleagues. Under my influence, many of them come to Deqing for tourism." Yao Zhuying has also become a promoter of Deqing.

"From 1972 to 1973, I was sent to the May 7th Cadre School to exercise. I told my colleagues about the story of my hometown. They said that listening to my description, I felt like reading Lu Xun's work Hometown, which was full of the primitive customs of Jiangnan."

He misses his hometown but cannot always return to it. Yao Zhuying wrote about his homesickness and wrote more than 80 articles recalling the past years, most of which were written and published in major newspapers after retirement. In March this year, her husband, Li Lianghua, edited the article into a volume based on Yao Zhuying's newspaper clippings. Opening the thick book, ten sections, such as "realistic life", "vicissitudes of life", "rural customs", "mother daughter affectionate", recorded Yao Zhuying's life path and witnessed the changes of the times.

The "Delicious Food" includes eight articles describing the delicious food in my hometown. Mulberry, dried bamboo shoots, baked green beans... Each article is full of homesickness. "I prefer the countryside vegetables in my hometown. For a while, I often dreamed of picking mulberry fruits and digging wild bamboo shoots when I was a child. In my dream, I could not reach mulberry fruits or find wild bamboo shoots." Every inch of memory of my hometown was firmly rooted in Yao Zhuying's heart, so I wrote articles such as "Taste of Mulberry" and "Wild Bamboo Shoots Are Still Fresh". "Strangely enough, after I wrote and published the article, my dreams of mulberry fruits and wild bamboo shoots also stopped."

"Every time I went to Grandma's house when I was young, a playmate who was two years older than me would make a machine gun out of bamboo and give it to me to play with. We went to pick plums together..." Yao Zhuying still remembers his childhood memories. This time, Yao Zhuying went back to her childhood again. Go to Qingxi Health Park under the east gate city bridge to talk with the old middle school students, and go to my grandmother's Denzhuwu (now the western suburb community) to visit my childhood friends. Memories are still green years, now it is old age.

   Returning to "Home" Recalls Childhood Memory

Pushing open the open wooden door, Yao Zhuying walked into No. 6, Zhaojialong, his former hometown, an old wooden house that had become a dangerous house and had been emptied. It is located in the alley beside the county bridge and river, and now we can still find the "clues" of life in those days.

"It used to be a courtyard with three entrances and two floors. The hall and patio in the middle were bright and clean. More than ten main rooms were ventilated from north to south, and the east and west wing rooms were also short and comfortable. The whole environment was quiet and comfortable." However, things are different. The old house in front of us has already been rebuilt beyond recognition, and the kitchen has been built in the patio, The wooden wall on the second floor is inlaid with modern sliding glass windows, which seems out of place. Walking in the courtyard of the old house, Yao Zhuying sighed and recalled.

In the corner of the door, Yao Zhuying was surprised to find the door bolt. "At that time, there were more than a dozen families living in the yard at most. Each family hung a sign on the public door. When all the families arrived, they took down the sign. The last one who still hung the sign was responsible for closing the door." Yao Zhuying pointed to the wooden door and the door bolt. At that time, Yao Zhuyingwan returned home from self-study. She was often the last person to return late. She would yell "Who's still outside?" in the courtyard and tie the wooden door after confirming. "For a period of time, because there were too many households, people didn't close the door, but kept the door open, and there was no theft," Yao said.

Go on to the "Bangyan River Head" beside the county bridge river. Yao Zhuying looked deeply at the river that nurtured one party and said: "It is cleaner than in 2007. The water has become much clearer. I remember that the river was still black that year." His hometown is changing and making more progress.

However, what impressed Yao Zhuying most was the construction of beautiful towns in Chengguan. A few days ago, accompanied by her cousin, she went to see the newly renovated Confucius Temple. My cousin's young granddaughter pointed to the tall statue of Confucius in the temple and asked, "Who is this person?" Yao Zhuying replied, "This is the first teacher in the world!"

A town without cultural heritage is as beautiful as water without a source and a tree without roots. "It's really good to build the Confucius Temple next to the primary school and turn it into the school's traditional Chinese education base, so that children can pass on history." Yao Zhuying said, "For a while, I lived in the small south gate of the old city pass. At that time, people were very respectful of waste paper, and there was a special place to collect waste paper and burn it together." Yao Zhuying was very grateful, The construction of the old Chengguan has retained the traditional culture of thousands of years. In Tan Jia Nong, she was dazzled by the flat and simple bluestone slabs and antique buildings; In Dingjialong, a row of garden style model houses and a warm and happy neighborhood center make the old couple unable to stop. When we learned that this year Yubulong, Xidong Street, Guangchang Road, Xijiao Road and other streets will be renovated, next year will be another new look. "Then I must come again!" Yao Zhuying was full of expectation.

At the end of the interview, Yao Zhuying said: "In my understanding of the word" Deqing "," Deqing "refers to the virtue of government for the benefit of the people, the popularity of moral education, the development of the economy, and the strengthening of the county and the prosperity of the people;" Qing "refers to green mountains and clear waters, clear wind and blue sky, elegant environment, livable and happy."

This is her understanding of the word "Deqing", and also her expectation for the development of Deqing.