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Solid wood floor is the key to control the moisture content of floor heating
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-06 Deqing News Network

In recent years, as a scientific, energy-saving and health care heating mode, the popularity of floor heating in northern China has increased year by year. However, many consumers found that after a period of floor heating, the high-end solid wood floor that they had spent a lot of money to buy unexpectedly appeared cracks, deformation and other phenomena, which was disappointing.

As we all know, the solid wood floor, with its natural log texture and color patterns, gives people a soft and friendly texture, and because it is warm in winter and cool in summer, it has become an ideal material for floor decoration of bedrooms, living rooms, study rooms, etc. With the coming of heating period, people pay attention to floor heating again. How to choose solid wood floor, hold floor heating, and enjoy the comfortable experience of both floor heating and solid wood floor?

Because of the cold and dry weather in the north of China, there is a great challenge to the physical properties of solid wood flooring, and the flooring will inevitably withstand the dual test of "temperature" and "humidity". When heating, the ground temperature rises suddenly, and in non heating seasons, it has to withstand various moisture. In addition, the solid wood floor itself is difficult to maintain, which puts forward high requirements for the stability of solid wood floors.

Experts said that when consumers choose solid wood floor heating, the control of moisture content is the key indicator that needs the most attention, because it determines whether the floor heating and solid wood floor can be perfectly integrated.

The humidity and temperature in different regions of China are different, but they are relatively stable in different seasons. The solid wood floor is in this relatively stable temperature and humidity environment for a long time, and the water content in the wood will reach a relatively constant value. At this time, the wood performance is the most stable, and this constant value is called the balanced moisture content.

The balance moisture content of the solid wood floor should correspond to the local average temperature and humidity. If the moisture content of solid wood floor is higher than the indoor environment, not only does the floor itself become damp and affect human health, but also the moisture diffusion indoors will lead to the increase of floor seam, and even the phenomenon of floor or paint film cracking. When the water content is lower than the use environment, the floor will absorb the indoor water, causing the solid wood floor to be affected with moisture and expand, resulting in the single arch or tile of the floor, or even the large area arch of the floor surface.

Therefore, attention must be paid to the reference of moisture content data when selecting solid wood floors.

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