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Thousand yuan face cream, stand aside and wash the right face to have good skin
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-06 Deqing News Network

 Thousand yuan face cream, stand aside and wash the right face to have good skin Thousand yuan face cream, stand aside and wash the right face to have good skin

We have been washing our faces since we were born. But after all these years, can you really wash your face? If I told you that you had mastered the correct face washing methods and tips, the skin care effect could be comparable to the efficacy of thousand yuan cream, would you believe it? Don't hesitate, learn to wash your face, it is now!

 Click the picture to go to the next page How many times to wash your face every day depends on the skin type

   Q1: How many times should we wash our face every day?

   A1: @ Liu Yan (Weibo) : How many times to wash your face depends on the skin type

  1. Liu Yan The skin beautifying diary 136 is washed correctly, and the maintenance effect is better than that of ordinary skin. It only needs to be cleaned once in the morning and evening. It can be moderately increased or decreased depending on the skin condition. The oily skin can be increased once more. The drier or more sensitive the skin is, it cannot be more than twice, so it will not be excessively stimulated. The water temperature during cleaning should be close to the skin temperature, so that the skin oil will not be taken away by the overheated water temperature.

Ordinary skin can be cleaned once every morning and evening, and oily skin MM can wash face once more in summer when the temperature is high and the oil secretion is strong.

Tips: Oilskin MM can wash his face with cold water every afternoon. Cold water can clean dirt and excess grease, but it will not take away a lot of grease, leaving his face fresh and not excessively clean.

 Click the picture to go to the next page If you do not rub any skin care products for 1 minute after facial cleaning, you can judge whether it is over cleaned

   Q2: How to judge whether you have excessively cleaned your face?

   A2:@kevin (Weibo) : Do not rub any skin care products for 1 minute after facial cleaning to see if the skin is tight

We all know that too much is too little, so we should pay special attention to excessive cleaning. Especially in hot summer days, many MM always feel that their faces are not clean and oil always comes out, so they "focus on efforts" in the face cleaning process, resulting in excessive cleaning, which will cause damage to the skin.

  1. Mr. Kevin Kevin : "Clean thoroughly, but be careful not to over clean!" Over cleaning for a long time may cause redness, swelling and tingling when washing face or wiping care products. Also, you can wait for 1 minute after washing your face, and do not wipe any maintenance products first. If your skin feels tight and uncomfortable, it means that the oil-water balance mechanism has been destroyed due to excessive cleaning. You may need to replace a gentler cleaning product and reduce the friction on the face during cleaning.

When you don't use any skin care products for 1 minute after facial cleaning, the skin appears tight, even redness and peeling, which indicates that you may have over cleaned the face. You should clean your face in a gentler way.

Tips: correct and gentle face cleaning method:

When washing your face, take a proper amount of facial cleanser in your palms and add some water. Rub the palms of your hands with bubbles and then apply it on your face. You can also use facial sponge, facial brush and other tools to blister to help make the cutin dirt easier to metabolize. After washing, wipe off the excess water droplets on your face with a towel. Both hands, sponges and facial brushes help cleansers to rub more bubbles. Because of the small bubble molecules, it is easier to penetrate into pores to thoroughly clean the face.

   Recommended gentle facial cleaning products:

Clarins/Clarins balanced cleaning milk (suction cup Dafa) Reference price: 230 yuan

It contains a variety of plant essences, including Gentian and Bio Ecolia natural active ingredients, which can clean cosmetics and impurities on the face, while also helping to retain the skin's water and fat film.

Gentle and radiant skin cleaning care. The first step of skin beauty. With pure plant extract as the main formula, the cleanser can purify the skin, remove excess oil, and maintain the moisturizing balance of the skin. Make your skin fresh, comfortable, tender and shiny.


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