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Vitamin K reduces the risk of lung cancer and prostate cancer
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-06 Deqing News Network

Sina Health News According to a report by foreign media on the 1st, a new study shows that people who consume more vitamin K from food may have a lower risk of cancer and death from cancer, especially lung cancer or prostate cancer, compared with those who rarely eat food containing vitamin K.

The research report was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which should be the first study on the relationship between vitamin K intake and the risk of cancer and death from cancer. A previous study showed that vitamin K can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The study did not prove that taking more vitamin K could reduce the risk of specific cancers. However, Dr. Jacob Lindsay of the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg pointed out that they laid the foundation for future research to try to solve this problem.

Vitamin K exists in two natural forms: vitamin K1 or chlorophyllin quinone, which is often found in green leafy vegetables and some vegetable oils, such as canola rapeseed and soybean oil; Vitamin K2 or methylnaphthoquinones, meat and cheese are its primary food sources. In this new study, vitamin K2 is associated with the risk of cancer and death from cancer. The main food for study participants to obtain vitamin K2 is cheese, while vitamin K1 has no cancer risk. This finding is based on the research data of 24340 German adults, who were 35 to 64 years old and had no cancer at the beginning of the study. The researchers assessed the normal vitamin K intake of these subjects through a detailed diet survey.

During the next 10 years of the study, 1755 participants were diagnosed with colon, breast, prostate or lung cancer, 458 of whom died during the study. In theory, vitamin K itself may have some preventive effect on cancer. It is often used to neutralize large doses of blood thinners, although the dose of blood thinners is not significantly associated with cancer. However, in laboratory research, Lindsay and colleagues pointed out that this vitamin was found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and promote apoptosis - the process of abnormal cells dying by themselves.

In the United States, the recommended daily intake of vitamin K (in various forms) is 120 mg for men and 90 mg for women. In this new study, the group of men who took the most vitamin K from their diet received 92 mg or more per day, while the group of women who took the most vitamin K received at least 84 mg per day. (Yang Xiaowen)

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