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Traditional Chinese medicine experts point out that the results of pulse counting on empty stomach in the morning are more accurate
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-06 Deqing News Network

It has been a long time for TCM to judge the condition by the way of pulse telling. Many people think that the pulse can be carried out anytime and anywhere, but in fact, the pulse is also exquisite. Experts say that the most accurate diagnostic information can be obtained by pulse taking on an empty stomach in the morning.

Li Wenhai, a professor of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, analyzed that the best time to call pulse is when the sun just rises in the morning, people just get up, and they haven't eaten yet. Because at this time, the sun has just risen, the yang has just entered the body, and the yin of the human body at night has gradually receded. At this time, the human body is in a relatively stable state in all aspects after a night's rest. The pulse condition at this time is a true reflection of the human body in a peaceful state.

On the contrary, after eating, the gastrointestinal tract starts to move. At this time, the nerves in charge of the stomach and intestines begin to excite, and a large amount of blood flows to these parts, which will change the pulse condition and cannot reflect the most objective results. However, if some activities are done before the pulse is taken, a large amount of blood will flow to the muscles of the limbs, which will also make the result of pulse taking unrepresentative, and the accuracy of diagnosis will also be affected. Generally, under these circumstances, the speed, strength and tightness of the pulse will be affected.

"Pulse taking must be carried out without great physical activity. Therefore, when patients come to the consulting room, we will ask them to have a rest before pulse taking." Li Wenhai said that when pulse taking, there should be no mood of great joy and great sorrow. We must choose a time of calm mood, when the pulse coming out of the signal is correct.

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