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Eat more corn and wax gourd in Huangmei days
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-06 Deqing News Network

In the rainy season, things are easy to get moldy, even the human body is easy to "get moldy" - moisture is too heavy, and it is easy for evil gas to enter the body. Many people will be troubled by sweating, phlegm, fatigue, oral ulcer, hot and boring, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Therefore, during this period, we should pay more attention to eating. We should eat more light, digestible and absorbable foods, especially those that can both clear heat and dehumidify and strengthen the function of the spleen and stomach. High calorie, high-fat and fried foods should be avoided as far as possible.

I consulted several nutritionists, and based on their opinions, we might as well eat more of the following foods these days:

Corn - These days, it is a good time for local corn to come into the market. It has the effects of regulating the middle and appetizing, reducing turbidity and diuresis, and can play a role in hypertension and food insecurity. Usually at home, I like to cook it as a snack. Of course, you can also cut it into stewed ribs soup.

Lentils and crucian carp both have the effect of strengthening the spleen, and are also suitable for eating in the rainy season.

Black plum soup, mung bean soup -- In yellow plum days and all summer, the stomach and intestines of the human body are most likely to suffer from diarrhea. Sometimes, if you are not careful, you may as well cook some black plum soup to drink. It is good at dealing with diarrhea. Mung bean soup is also an essential summer dessert.

Hangzhou food expert "Moon Jingjing" also recommended a summer soup, which is said to make people happy after eating.

Wax gourd is the most typical dual-use vegetable for medicine and food in summer. It is slightly cold in nature and has the functions of reducing blood sugar, blood pressure, weight loss, fat reduction and beauty. Usually, the most common way we eat is to use it to cut into pieces and braise, stir fry or boil soup. This time, let's have a change of taste. We use the mixer to beat the wax gourd into delicate wax gourd paste, which tastes more friendly than the wax gourd pieces. The texture of the wax gourd paste is very suitable for the elderly and children with weak gastrointestinal function. Let's do it together

[Ingredients]: a piece of winter melon, an egg, river shrimp (or prawn or shrimp), a bowl of soup (condensed soup can be used), chopped coriander or chopped green onion.


1. Peel the shrimp into shrimps, marinate them with cooking wine and salt, and break the eggs.

2. Peel and cut the wax gourd into pieces, add a little water, and put it into a blender to stir it into wax gourd paste.

3. Pour the mashed wax gourd into the pot, add the stock, boil it, turn to low heat, and boil it for two minutes (without cover).

4. Add the preserved shrimps and cook until they change color.

5. Turn the fire, pour the egg liquid into the pot from the high place in a circle from outside to inside, and then use a spatula to push the egg liquid to form even egg flakes.

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