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The 9-year-old girl escorts the young eagle to find "home"
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-08-03 Deqing News Network


On July 30, Hong Yihan, a 9-year-old girl, accompanied by her mother, sent a young owl to the county forestry bureau. The next day, the staff of the county forestry bureau and Hong Yihan escorted the owl to Zhejiang Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Management Center.

Hong Yihan's mother, Ms. Yu, is the owner of a KTV store near the National Highway 104. She told reporters that she accidentally found a small owl in the grass outside her shop at about 8:00 p.m. on July 29. No wound was found on the owl. Ms. Yu thought it might be that the owl was too small to fly, so she put it in a box and took it home.

Hong Yihan, a sensible man, is the happiest person who has "little friends" at home. "The owl doesn't eat anything to feed. Some people say they want to feed meat, but it just doesn't eat, but it is really cute and very human." Ms. Yu also showed several photos of owls taken by mobile phones to reporters. She said: "I wanted to release the owl in Tashan Forest Park, but it was still young and worried about its difficulties in surviving in the wild. Just as a friend said that such protected animals would be sent to the Forestry Bureau, where there would be special personnel to take care of them. So the next day I took my daughter." I learned that the owl would be sent to the provincial wildlife rescue and breeding management center, Hong Yihan urgently asked the staff to take her with him. Hong Yihan also took a group photo with the little owl on the bus (as shown in the picture).

The staff of the Forestry Administration said that the owl belongs to the national second-class protected animal. This owl is still small, and if left in the wild, it is likely to be killed by natural enemies. The provincial wildlife rescue and breeding management center is more experienced in this situation, so they decided to send this young owl to the provincial wildlife rescue and breeding management center, When they have enough viability, they decide to release them to nature. It is understood that this year, with the help of the enthusiastic people in our county, the county forestry bureau has rescued and sent 2 red crowned cranes, 1 peregrine falcon and 3 owls to the provincial wildlife rescue and breeding management center.

author : Reporter Yao Haixiang Intern reporter Chen Lifeng Correspondent Yang Dongming
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