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Shi Jianwei: Enthusiastic person in Juren Community
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-04-16 Deqing News Network

Shi Jianwei, 52, who lives in Guang'ailu, Wukang, is a good neighbor who is eager to help others in the eyes of residents of Juren Community. As long as the residents have any difficulties in water and electricity, he will arrive at once with a phone call.

"Whoever has a broken light and a burst water pipe, just ask him to make sure that it will be repaired immediately." Shen Huixian, a community worker, said that there are many elderly people in Juren Community. If the home trips and the water pipe bursts, the elderly will be at a loss. As long as he receives a call for help, even if he is eating or lying down to sleep, Shi Jianwei will rush to the scene without saying a word.

Not long ago, the faucet of Uncle Shen's house in Guang'ai Road was aging, and the faucet suddenly broke off at more than 10 p.m. The water kept flowing out. Uncle Shen called Shi Jianwei quickly. At that time, Shi Jianwei was preparing to take a rest. After receiving the phone call, he put on his coat and went straight to Uncle Shen's house. Since it was late at that time and there was no place to buy a new faucet, Shi Jianwei blocked the water first and bought a new faucet to replace it the next day.

Use rest time to repair community corridor lights

There are many similar things. One night last year, an old man in Juren Community had his fuse broken. Shi Jianwei not only replaced the old man with a new fuse, but also installed an air switch for the old man, which solved his worries.

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that I have such a skill. It's just a piece of cake." During the whole interview, Shi Jianwei said this most.

Juren Community is an old community, and many corridor lights have been damaged, which makes it inconvenient for residents to travel at night. For this reason, Shi Jianwei gave full play to his personal expertise in electrical maintenance. In December last year, he took a break to repair the corridor lights in the community for half a month, and gave residents a bright future.

Clean the pipe opening on the roof in case of thunderstorm

"Although Shi Jianwei is usually a steady person, he also has' no life 'moments!" said a resident of Juren Community. One night last August, it suddenly rained cats and dogs, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Shi Jianwei took a rest in his home on the sixth floor. After the heavy rain for a while, he found that water was constantly seeping into the house from the roof. At this time, the next door neighbor's home, This situation also occurred in the households downstairs. Shi Jianwei guessed that the drain pipe on the roof was blocked, so without saying a word, he climbed onto the roof platform in shorts.

"He dares to climb onto the roof when it thunders and rains. Is he dead? What if he is struck by thunder?" The resident is scared when he thinks about this.

"In fact, I was also afraid at that time. Who didn't know that this was dangerous work, but if we didn't clean up the sundries at the nozzle, the whole building would suffer." Shi Jianwei said, "I didn't dare to stand up, so I climbed to find the nozzle. Fortunately, it was relatively smooth. I took out the sundries that blocked the nozzle with my hands, otherwise the whole building's residents would be busy bailing out water at night."

In addition to helping others enthusiastically, Shi Jianwei, as the leader of the resident group and a Communist Party member, took the initiative to be a good helper in the community. At the same time, he also participated in the community party members' voluntary patrol team and the community association for helping the elderly and the poor, tirelessly serving the community residents.

author : Reporter Zhang Li Correspondent Mei Pingping
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