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Shen Aqin: Shoulder the responsibility with thin and weak shoulders
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-04-16 Deqing News Network

Shen Aqin is pushing her paralyzed husband for outdoor activities

With a thin body and gray hair, it was Shen Aqin, a 60 year old woman from the Luoshe neighborhood committee, who had carried a home with her thin shoulders for 10 years after her husband was paralyzed by cerebral hemorrhage.

On the morning of March 26, when the reporter came to the Luoshe Neighborhood Committee, Li Anmin was basking in the sun in the East Bailongtan Park. "The air here is good, and there are many neighbors. When it is sunny, I will push him here in a wheelchair to sit for a while." When Shen Aqin was mentioned, the residents nearby gave thumbs up. They said that Shen Aqin took care of his wife very carefully and thoughtfully. It was not easy to take care of her for ten years. "Anmin has been ill for so many years, and his body is clean, and there is no smell in his bed. Yesterday, I saw Ah Chin washing Anmin's hair," Li Anmin's 88 year old mother told reporters.

Ten years ago, Shen Aqin's husband, Li Anmin, suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. Since then, he has lost his language ability and has become very inconvenient to move. He has to rely on help when walking and use a wheelchair when going out. Shen Aqin is hard-working. She dresses her husband in the morning, helps him to the toilet, washes his face, delivers three meals to him every day, and washes his feet at night. All these have become her daily "required courses".

Shen Aqin's son often went on business trips. After her husband fell ill, she had to rely on herself to do everything in and out of the family. "I have never done anything like changing gas bottles before, but now I have to learn to do it myself. The most difficult thing is the electrical work, and I can only ask for help from others. One summer, the fuse in my home suddenly burned out. After I invited my neighbor to change it, the fuse burned again when I turned on the air conditioner. I had no choice but to move the electric fan into the room to cool my wife down. It was very hot that night... "

Shen Aqin's mother's home is nearby, but since her wife fell ill, she rarely goes to her mother's home. Even if she goes there once, she is in a hurry. "I have to be busy doing laundry, cooking and taking care of my wife every day. When I am a little free, I am tired and don't want to move. Once I went to my parents' home for a long time, and I found my wife pulled her stool on her pants when I came back." Therefore, Shen Aqin almost keeps close to her every day.

Shen Aqin said that when she thought of the real dilemma, she always cried secretly, and her neighbors advised her to be strong. "Learn to do what I can't do, and I will choose to be strong. Since I am a husband and wife, it is my responsibility to take care of my wife. If my physical condition allows, I will always take care of him."

author : Chen Deming
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