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Tactful Treatment of "TV Eye"
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-01-30 Deqing News Network

TV programs will make you linger, but watching TV for a long time will often lead to "holiday TV eyes", that is, eye pain, blurred vision, dry corners of the eyes and other symptoms. To this end, I will introduce you several tips to skillfully deal with holiday TV eyes.

1. Blink quickly and slowly take a deep breath. When exhaling, quickly open and close your eyes, and slowly exhale.

2. Look at the tip of your nose and breathe slowly and deeply. When you breathe in, look at the tip of your nose like a cockfight and see both sides of your nose at the same time. When you exhale, your eyes relax and return to normal, look at a distant object, and slowly exhale.

3. Press the acupoint to close your eyes and place your thumb on your temple. Use the pulp of the finger between the first and second joints of the index finger to smoothly touch and press the upper and lower edges of the eye socket from the nose to the temple.

4. Light treatment: close your eyes tightly, relax, sit about 15cm away from the light, and use 150W bulb. Gently swing your head from side to side. Bathe your eyes in warm light.

5. Hot compress and cold ice alternate treatment: first cover the closed eyes with a hot towel for 30 seconds, then dip a long towel into ice water, cover the eyes, and repeat several times.

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