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Three skills for talking with BB under 1 year old
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-01-30 Deqing News Network

*Use more positive words and sentences

In the process of learning to speak, parents should try to use as few negative words as possible, such as "don't touch it" or "stop quickly, don't do that". Positive and positive words will bring great confidence to your baby. For example, if the baby is naughty and wants to play after grabbing the teacup, you might as well change a ball to him and say, "Let's play with the ball. Mom rolls the ball over, the baby catches it, and then rolls it to Mom."

*Use simple sentences and rely on rich facial expressions to convey information

You can talk to your baby slowly, like singing a nursery rhyme, and in a gentle voice. If you talk to your baby in this way, his attention will be more focused. When talking, you should pay attention to the baby's face, whether he listens attentively! Try to be close to him so that he can see and imitate your lips, which can help him learn various sounds faster.

*Keep "all-weather" communication with your baby

When Baobaoxue speaks, he may not understand what you are talking about at first. Don't be discouraged. His brain has quietly started working and is trying to establish language connection. Feeding your baby, bathing him, and changing diapers are all good opportunities for you to talk to your baby. Talk about what you are doing at any time, "Now, Dad will wear a red padded jacket for the baby", "Let's wash our hands". Play with your baby is also a good opportunity to "tell your baby to listen". When hearing the pronunciation of various words in the ear, the baby's brain quickly establishes language connection, which is established before the baby's understanding of word meaning.

Important reminder

*In order to ensure that the baby can learn the language smoothly, his hearing should be guaranteed. You should pay attention to the baby's hearing, and take the baby to the hospital for examination at a proper time.

*Ear infection and inflammation will affect the baby's normal listening and speaking. Serious ear infection will greatly affect the baby's language development.

*It is important to let the doctor know these situations in time: when you speak, the baby does not turn to the correct sound source direction or does not respond at all. The baby can't speak at the age of two.

One last word:

1. If you want to know how your child's language ability will be in the future, first study how you speak now.

2. Your child speaks like you.


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