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Colorful furniture is good for health
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-01-30 Deqing News Network

Scientists and psychologists from all over the world have conducted in-depth and subtle research on color, and have come to the conclusion that "color can cure diseases". The experiment shows that colorful articles for daily use and furniture will become a healthy "nutrient", otherwise it will be harmful to health. The following is an introduction to the so-called "color function" summarized by some experts.
Red: Stimulate and excite the nervous system, increase adrenaline secretion and enhance blood circulation. However, when exposed to too much red, anxiety and physical and mental pressure will be generated, which will make people prone to fatigue feel exhausted. Therefore, in the bedroom or study should avoid using too much red.
Orange: generate vitality, induce appetite, help absorb calcium, and help restore and maintain health. This color is suitable for entertainment rooms, kitchens, etc., but not for dormitories and study.
Yellow: It can stimulate the nerve and digestive system and strengthen logical thinking, but the golden decoration is easy to cause instability and arbitrary behavior. Therefore, in dormitories and activity places, it is best to avoid the use of golden furniture.
Green: It is beneficial to digestion, promotes body balance, and can play a sedative role. It is beneficial to those who are active or physically or mentally depressed. The natural green color can overcome syncope, fatigue and negative emotions to some extent.
Blue: It can reduce the pulse, adjust the balance of the body. Using blue in the bedroom can eliminate tension and help relieve headache, fever, syncope and insomnia. The blue environment makes people feel elegant and quiet.
Purple: It has a depressing effect on the motor nerve, lymphatic system and heart system, can maintain the balance of potassium in the body, and can promote calm, love and care for others.
Indigo: It can adjust muscles, reduce or stop bleeding, affect vision, hearing and smell, and reduce the sensitivity of light body to pain. This color is not suitable for decoration, but if it is used for cloth, it can make people feel safe.

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