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How to drink milk in winter?
www.dqnews.com.cn 2012-01-30 Deqing News Network

Chinese people pay special attention to winter health. Indeed, experts point out that in cold winter, sufficient nutrition is needed to maintain the healthy operation of the body, and fresh milk can fully provide various nutrients needed by the human body.

Therefore, it is recommended that people drink a cup of fresh milk every day to supplement the necessary energy for the body, which is the most inexpensive and high-quality health preserving recipe in winter.

According to experts, fresh milk is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as fat and lactose. Its nutritional value is unmatched by other natural foods, so it is also called "completely nutritious food". The whey protein contained in milk can improve the absorption rate of human body and enhance the immune ability, and is most similar to human milk in functional characteristics.

The amino acids contained in it are complete in variety, sufficient in quantity and appropriate in proportion, suitable for human body to form muscle tissue. In addition, it is easy to absorb, and is an excellent nutritional supplement for people of any age group. Milk is also rich in a large amount of calcium, and the calcium in fresh milk can be naturally dissolved in the human body and effectively absorbed, which is more natural and healthy than other calcium supplements. In addition, fresh milk can also prevent anemia and promote human metabolism.

For children, regular drinking of fresh milk is conducive to the development of the body; For women, it can also resist oxidation, beautify skin and prevent aging, which is the best natural beauty recipe.

How many kinds of milk?

At present, the common milk on the market is generally divided into two types, one is "pasteurized milk", such as our common "fresh house" carton of fresh milk. It uses the internationally popular pasteurization method (72-75 ℃, 15-20 seconds) to kill bacteria harmful to human body in raw milk and retain the nutrients in milk to the greatest extent.

The other is normal temperature milk, namely UHT milk, which is heated at 138-142 ℃ for 2-4 seconds to kill all harmful bacteria in milk. This method can remove all the bacteria in the milk in a flash, and the shelf life of the milk in the sterile state can be greatly extended (generally up to 6-12 months), without refrigeration.

What kind of dairy products do you choose?
Although the shelf life of normal temperature milk is long, the nutrient active substances such as protein, vitamin, calcium and other elements of milk will be lost due to processing under high temperature, so the flavor is not complete. In contrast, though the shelf life of fresh milk processed by pasteurization is relatively short (generally within 10 days), it can remove harmful bacteria while retaining beneficial bacteria in the milk, preserving nutrients to the greatest extent, and maintaining the original fresh and complete flavor.

In addition, "Pasteur's fresh milk" has high requirements on the quality of milk sources. The domestic standard should not exceed 200000 bacteria per ton of raw milk, and the international standard should not exceed 50000. Normal temperature milk has no such strict requirements on milk sources. Therefore, in order to obtain more comprehensive nutrition, it is better to choose pasteurized fresh milk.

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