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Jessibuca H5 live streaming player v3.3.12

Jessibuca is an open source pure H5 live stream player, which compiles the audio and video decoding library into Js (ams. js/wasm) through Emscripten and runs in the browser. It is compatible with almost all browsers and can run on PC, mobile phone and WeChat without additional plug-ins. Jessibuca function: 1. Support decoding H.264 video (Baseline, Main, High Profile full support, support decoding B frame video) 2. Support decoding H.265 video (flv id==12) 3
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to grant authorization Open Source
size 72.47MB
language JavaScript
Operating environment C/C++/ JavaScript
Function introduction
Jessibuca is an open source pure H5 live stream player, which compiles the audio and video decoding library into Js (ams. js/wasm) through Emscripten and runs in the browser. It is compatible with almost all browsers and can run on PC, mobile phone and WeChat without additional plug-ins.

Jessibuca function:

1. Support decoding H.264 video (Baseline, Main, High Profile full support, support decoding B frame video)
2. Support decoding H.265 video (flv id==12)
3. Support decoding AAC audio (LC, HE, HEv2 Profile full support)
4. Support decoding MP3 audio and Speedx audio formats
5. Playback buffer duration can be set, and 0 buffer limit low delay can be set (network jitter will cause jamming)
6. It supports intelligent display without frame loss, and does not accumulate delay during long playback.
7. Multiple playback instances can be created
8. Program simplification, CDN acceleration, GZIP compression (actual download 500k), faster loading speed
9. At the same time, it supports http flv, websocket flv protocol and websocket raw private protocol (raw data, less transmission, and Monibuca server required) Note: When requesting with http flv, there is a problem of cross domain requests, and access control allow origin needs to be set. Websocket flv does not have this problem by default
10. Support HTTPS/WSS encrypted video transmission to ensure the security of video content transmission
11. Video opened in mobile browser will not become full screen play

Jessibuca directory structure:

The obj stores the byte code library of various decoding libraries compiled by emscripten
Public stores the compiled output js and wasm files as well as rendeer.js
Code (modified) and compilation script of various third-party decoding libraries of thirdparty
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