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      Liu Darong went to Liucheng Town to carry out theme education publicity activities

      Released at 08:34:38 on November 18, 2023-18, Long term effective , 134 browsing
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    • Area: Dongyuan
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    Time: November 10, 2023 Source: Dongyuan government website

    On the morning of November 8, Liu Darong, deputy secretary of the county party committee and head of the county, went deep into Xiaba Village, Liucheng Town to carry out thematic education and publicity activities. Centering on the general requirements of "learning ideas, strengthening the party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", through fresh and vivid cases, easy to understand language, and detailed and rich data, He profoundly expounded Xi Jinping's scientific system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era for the party members and cadres in towns and villages.

       Liu Darong pointed out that

    Deeply carrying out the education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era throughout the Party is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to comprehensively implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Party, mobilize all Party comrades to work together to accomplish the Party's central task, and thoroughly promote the new great project of building the Party for a new era. Liucheng Town and Xiaba Village should adhere to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly support the "two establishment", firmly implement the "two maintenance", and strive to achieve tangible results in the aspects of casting the soul, increasing wisdom, improving the style, and promoting work through learning.

       Liu Darong stressed that

    Liucheng Town and Xiaba Village should continue to play an exemplary role in promoting the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the deployment of provinces, cities and counties in Liucheng Town and Xiaba Village.

    First, we should strengthen theoretical learning and pool new forces for rural revitalization. want To learn from ideology, we should focus on learning and implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the fundamental task, build the foundation of belief, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the rudder of ideology; want Strengthen the party spirit and temper the character, deepen the education of political loyalty and party spirit, and constantly strengthen the political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness of loyalty core, support core, maintain core, and defend core; want Emphasize practice for the benefit of the people, conduct in-depth investigation and research, consciously ask the people about their plans and needs, and strive to solve the people's urgent problems; want Jianxingong promotes development, actively seizes major opportunities such as the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", vigorously develops industries to strengthen towns and villages, and constantly improves the level of economic and social development of towns and villages.

    The second is to highlight industrial development and create a new model of rich and beautiful countryside. want We will continue to strengthen advantageous agriculture, actively explore new models of land transfer and moderate scale operation, give full play to the power of expert think tanks and local elites, and establish a modern agricultural industrial system; want Strive to build a whole industrial chain, vigorously cultivate competitive and distinctive agricultural leading processing enterprises, and fully promote the integration and development of agriculture, tourism and other industries; want Actively revitalize collective assets, lease and buy shares in accordance with laws and regulations, and revitalize "sleeping assets" into "income increasing living water".

    Third, focus on ecological construction and draw a new picture of green and beautiful countryside. want Comprehensively improve the level of ecological environment, continue to fight well in the defense of blue sky, clear water and pure land, and strictly prevent and control ecological environment risks; want Fully carry out the construction of "green and beautiful countryside", solidly promote the work of "green and beautiful ecology", "green and beautiful transportation" and "green and beautiful campus", and constantly improve the level of greening and beautification; want We will continue to improve the rural living environment, combine local folk customs to create characteristic houses with beautiful personality and natural beauty, and build beautiful villages that can "see mountains and rivers and stay homesick".

    Fourth, focus on grassroots governance and create a new picture of harmonious countryside. want Adhere to the guidance of party building, pay attention to developing the village's young, highly educated and powerful talents into party members, and explore a practical way to cultivate talents; want Innovate the governance mechanism, improve the rural governance system combining autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue, and create a new pattern of standardized, orderly and dynamic rural governance; want Highlight the main body of the masses, innovate the methods of serving the masses, and make farmers become the participants, supervisors and beneficiaries of rural governance.

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    Initial website: http://dongyuan.yunhaoren.com/bendizixun/21231.html
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