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      Dongyuan held a symposium on special education

      Released at 08:32:34 on November 18, 2023-18, Long term effective , 78 browsing
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    Time: November 1, 2023 Source: Dongyuan government website

    On October 31, Dongyuan held a symposium on special education, aiming to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on education, and further promote the high-quality development of special education in the county. Qin Weimin, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

    At the meeting, the county education bureau reported the special education work of the whole county, and the county Disabled Persons' Federation reported the development of the integrated education work of the whole county. The participants exchanged speeches around the special education and integrated education work of the whole county, and put forward opinions and suggestions.

       Qin Weimin pointed out that

    The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed "strengthening the inclusive development of special education", pointing out the direction and requirements for the development of special education in the new era. This year is a crucial year for the implementation of the Action Plan for the Development and Promotion of Special Education during the 14th Five Year Plan Period. Special education is a noble and great cause, which is related to the healthy growth of special children and the happiness and harmony of their families. The whole society should pay attention to it, which is our common responsibility.

       Qin Weimin stressed that

    All departments at all levels in the county should take Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the guide, carefully study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on education, comprehensively implement the Party's education policy, speed up the improvement of the special education system, improve the special education guarantee mechanism, and improve the quality of special education, Create a good environment for the healthy growth of special children with a high sense of responsibility and mission, and strive to promote the special education of the whole county to a new level.

    want Strengthen overall planning, adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, establish a joint meeting system for special education work, highlight key points, identify key points, and promote in one, further improve the special education work system, improve the security mechanism, and constantly improve the development level of special education in the county.

    want We will strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, further optimize the allocation of teachers, control the entrance of talents, reserve, introduce and recruit talents according to the needs of teachers, increase the training of teachers' professional skills, constantly improve the ability of teachers, guarantee the treatment of teachers in various ways, and constantly stimulate the vitality of teachers.

    want Strengthen the coordination and linkage between departments, fully understand the importance of doing a good job in special education, give full play to their respective functions, make good use of various policies to benefit the people, accelerate the construction of special education schools, focus on meeting the educational needs of disabled adolescents and children, and promote the quality and efficiency of special education.

    want We should strengthen humanistic care, guide all sectors of society to care about, support and help the development of special education, do a good job in all kinds of service guarantees, always pay attention to the physical and mental health development of students, and strive to form a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support special education.

    Zheng Yuanchang and Wu Liqin, the county leaders, the main responsible comrades of the relevant units of the county, the main responsible comrades of the relevant schools and kindergartens of the county, and the directors of the County Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Service Center and Dongyuan Ruikang Children's Rehabilitation Center attended the meeting.

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