Chicken of the Chinese Zodiac


[Holding chicken and raising bamboo] One of the Xiahou Biao, the magistrate of Xinchang County in the Tang Dynasty, called Li Zheng to hold chickens and raise bamboo for him when he came to office. It is a metaphor for officials to sit on the ground and strip by unscrupulous means.
[Stupid as a wooden chicken] It describes a god who looks stupid.
[A flock of cranes] A crane stood among the chickens. It means that a person's talent or appearance is outstanding.
[A group of cranes and chickens] It stands out from the crowd. It refers to a person with outstanding talent or appearance. See "Crane chicken group".
[Beating chickens and cursing dogs] It is used to mean abusing others to vent their dissatisfaction with someone.
[The power to bind the chicken] The power of tying chickens. It is used to describe weakness.
[Fighting the Rooster and Running the Horse] Ancient gambling games.
[Dogs and thieves crow] It is a metaphor for sneaking.
[Huaiwang Jigou] It is used to describe a person who gains power by clinging to others.

Eight Trigrams


[Character characteristics] Responsive
[Representative Time] 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
[Youji Five Elements] Metallic meaning
[Youji Wuchang] Fire ritual
[Auspicious location] West, southwest and northeast
[Guardian God] Great momentum to Bodhisattva
[Lucky Flower] Gladiola, impatiens, cockscomb
[Lucky Crystal] White crystal
[Speed matching Chinese zodiac] Cattle, dragon, snake
[Lucky number] 7、 V. VIII
[Auspicious color] Gold, brown, brown, yellow
[Wealth management fortune] Stable financial fortune and prosperity
[Career Journey] Be enterprising and stand out
[Chicken man] 2017、2005、1993……

Zodiac series animation
Chicken of the twelve zodiac signs Chicken of the twelve zodiac signs Chicken of the twelve zodiac signs Chicken of the twelve zodiac signs