Type Interceptors

Castle.Core , part of the Castle Project , provides a method interception framework called “DynamicProxy.”

The Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy integration package enables method calls on Autofac components to be intercepted by other components. Common use-cases are transaction handling, logging, and declarative security. You can use Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 for Autofac versions up to 4.0.0

Enabling Interception

The basic steps to get DynamicProxy integration working are:

Create Interceptors

Interceptors implement the Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor interface. Here’s a simple interceptor example that logs method calls including inputs and outputs:

 public  class  CallLogger  :  IInterceptor
   TextWriter  _output ;

   public  CallLogger ( TextWriter  output )
     _output  =  output ;

   public  void  Intercept ( IInvocation  invocation )
     _output . Write ( "Calling method {0} with parameters {1}... " ,
       invocation . Method . Name ,
       string . Join ( ", " ,  invocation . Arguments . Select ( a  =>  ( a  ??  "" ). ToString ()). ToArray ()));

     invocation . Proceed ();

     _output . WriteLine ( "Done: result was {0}." ,  invocation . ReturnValue );

Register Interceptors with Autofac

Interceptors must be registered with the container. You can register them either as typed services or as named services. If you register them as named services, they must be named IInterceptor registrations.

Which of these you choose depends on how you decide to associate interceptors with the types being intercepted.

 // Named registration
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ))
        . Named < IInterceptor > ( "log-calls" );

 // Typed registration
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ));

Enable Interception on Types

When you register a type being intercepted, you have to mark the type at registration time so Autofac knows to wire up that interception. You do this using the EnableInterfaceInterceptors() and EnableClassInterceptors() registration extensions.

 var  builder  =  new  ContainerBuilder ();
 builder . RegisterType < SomeType > ()
        . As < ISomeInterface > ()
        . EnableInterfaceInterceptors ();
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ));
 var  container  =  builder . Build ();
 var  willBeIntercepted  =  container . Resolve < ISomeInterface > ();

Under the covers, EnableInterfaceInterceptors() creates an interface proxy that performs the interception, while EnableClassInterceptors() dynamically subclasses the target component to perform interception of virtual methods.

Both techniques can be used in conjunction with the assembly scanning support, so you can configure batches of components using the same methods.

Special case: WCF proxy and remoting objects While WCF proxy objects look like interfaces, the EnableInterfaceInterceptors() mechanism won’t work because, behind the scenes, .NET is actually using a System.Runtime.Remoting.TransparentProxy object that behaves like the interface. If you want interception on a WCF proxy, you need to use the InterceptTransparentProxy() method.

 var  cb  =  new  ContainerBuilder ();
 cb . RegisterType < TestServiceInterceptor > ();
 cb . Register ( c  =>  CreateChannelFactory ()). SingleInstance ();
   . Register ( c  =>  c . Resolve < ChannelFactory < ITestService >> (). CreateChannel ())
   . InterceptTransparentProxy ( typeof ( IClientChannel ))
   . InterceptedBy ( typeof ( TestServiceInterceptor ))
   . UseWcfSafeRelease ();

Associate Interceptors with Types to be Intercepted

To pick which interceptor is associated with your type, you have two choices.

Your first option is to mark the type with an attribute, like this:

 // This attribute will look for a TYPED
 // interceptor registration:
 public  class  First
   public  virtual  int  GetValue ()
     // Do some calculation and return a value

 // This attribute will look for a NAMED
 // interceptor registration:
 public  class  Second
   public  virtual  int  GetValue ()
     // Do some calculation and return a value

When you use attributes to associate interceptors, you don’t need to specify the interceptor at registration time. You can just enable interception and the interceptor type will automatically be discovered.

 // Using the TYPED attribute:
 var  builder  =  new  ContainerBuilder ();
 builder . RegisterType < First > ()
        . EnableClassInterceptors ();
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ));

 // Using the NAMED attribute:
 var  builder  =  new  ContainerBuilder ();
 builder . RegisterType < Second > ()
        . EnableClassInterceptors ();
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ))
        . Named < IInterceptor > ( "log-calls" );

The second option is to declare the interceptor at Autofac registration time. You can do this using the InterceptedBy() registration extension:

 var  builder  =  new  ContainerBuilder ();
 builder . RegisterType < SomeType > ()
        . EnableClassInterceptors ()
        . InterceptedBy ( typeof ( CallLogger ));
 builder . Register ( c  =>  new  CallLogger ( Console . Out ));


Use Public Interfaces

Interface interception requires the interface be public (or, at least, visible to the dynamically generated proxy assembly). Non-public interface types can’t be intercepted.

If you want to proxy internal interfaces, you must mark the assembly containing the interface with [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")] .

Use Virtual Methods

Class interception requires the methods being intercepted to be virtual since it uses subclassing as the proxy technique.

Usage with Expressions

Components created using expressions, or those registered as instances, cannot be subclassed by the DynamicProxy2 engine. In these cases, it is necessary to use interface-based proxies.

Interface Registrations

To enable proxying via interfaces, the component must provide its services through interfaces only. For best performance, all such service interfaces should be part of the registration, i.e. included in As<X>() clauses.

WCF Proxies

As mentioned earlier, WCF proxies and other remoting types are special cases and can’t use standard interface or class interception. You must use InterceptTransparentProxy() on those types.

Class Interceptors and UsingConstructor

If you are using class interceptors via EnableClassInterceptors() then avoid using the constructor selector UsingConstructor() with it. When class interception is enabled, the generated proxy adds some new constructors that also take the set of interceptors you want to use. When you specify UsingConstructor() you’ll bypass this logic and your interceptors won’t be used.

Known Issues

Asynchronous Method Interception

Castle interceptors only expose a synchronous mechanism to intercept methods - there’s no explicit async / await sort of support. However, given async / await is just syntactic sugar around returning Task objects, you can use Task and ContinueWith() sorts of methods in your interceptor. This issue shows an example of that. Alternatively, there are helper libraries that make async work easier.

Castle.Core Versioning

As of Castle.Core 4.2.0, the Castle.Core NuGet package version updates but the assembly version does not. Further, the assembly version in Castle.Core 4.1.0 matched the package ( but the 4.2.0 package back-versioned to In full .NET framework projects any confusion around Castle.Core versioning can be solved by adding an assembly binding redirect to force use of Castle.Core

Unfortunately, .NET core doesn’t have assembly binding redirects so if you have a transitive dependency on Castle.Core through a library like Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy and you also have a direct dependency on Castle.Core, you may see something like:

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Castle. Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

This happens because of the back-versioned assembly.

Be sure you have the latest Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy. We do our best to fix as much as possible from the Autofac end. An update to that and/or Castle.Core may help.

If that doesn’t work, there are two solutions:

One, you can remove your direct Castle.Core reference. The transitive references should sort themselves out.

Two, if you can’t remove your direct reference or removing it doesn’t work… all of the direct dependencies you have will need to update to version 4.2.0 or higher of Castle.Core. You’ll have to file issues with those projects; it’s not something Autofac can fix for you.

For reference, here’s the Castle.Core issue discussing this challenge.