On the fifth anniversary of the League of Heroes, DeYunSe commentator Xiaoxiao returns to the LPL stage!

2018-03-19 13:57 Author: Sina E-sports Source:

After more than a year, Deyun Sexiao and Sika, the most popular commentator groups of OGN, returned to the LPL stage.

On the fifth anniversary of the League of Heroes, Xiaoxiao and Sika returned to the stage to explain the fateful fight between IG VS WE. From the very beginning, Xiaoxiao heard that they were very excited and a little nervous! It seems that Xiaoxiao still loves this game and stage.

But later, it became more and more beautiful. There was a saying that "professional interpretation dare to judge!"

All kinds of BP analysis, competition trend and lineup make the audience feel that you must have discussed with the fists to broadcast the video!
Xiaoxiao also told the story of "four PDDs in one shot!" during the game, and teased his old teammate Kid: "Ning Wang joined IG for free according to the kid's opinion, and the kid has a little criticism about it (correct pronunciation: quite a criticism)!"

To my surprise, I smiled and said that Jackey Love was the commander of the team! This really shocked me!

When today's game is about to start, the old friends of Deyunse and the audience who are looking forward to Deyunse's commentary have all brushed up the curtain.

Betrayal Bullet Screen "One Million Hearts"!

Even more, the famous water friends in the Deyunse live studio began to paint gifts in the fighting fish. How embarrassing you are for your new owner, Longzhu!

 The Dragon Ball Platform, now the main venue of Deyunse, also launched a small cheering activity for Deyunse. The Dragon Ball Platform, now the main venue of Deyunse, also launched a small cheering activity for Deyunse.
 Xiao Bian lost the black screen of his player by the massive bullet screen card!!! Xiao Bian lost the black screen of his player by the massive bullet screen card!!!

Even Bilibili, the largest bullet screen website, cannot escape the occupation of Deyun brothers!

The same is true for the rest of the platforms! Open the door! go to work! I am late! Millions of people are all from the bullet screen in the Deyunse live broadcast room!

The smile of the best commentator in the past is also due to the popularity of microblogging in this commentator contest, which can be described as "coming out after a thousand calls"

The IG assistant of the "life long fight against South Korea" and the best commentator, Xiaoxiao, finally came back today!

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