
    [No manual speed] Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO keyboard and mouse package reduced by 40% for limited time

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Have you met him

    Logistic( Logitech )PEBBLE 2 COMBO is a lightweight and portable Bluetooth keyboard and mouse The suite is very suitable for people who need efficient office work. The product adopts low-noise button design, bringing you a quiet and comfortable input experience. It supports the connection of laptops, tablets, mobile devices and other multi platform devices, which is very convenient to use.

    Now, this Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO has a preferential activity in Jingdong Mall. The original price is 339 yuan, but now it only costs 219 yuan, with a price reduction of 40%, which is very cost-effective. If you are looking for a lightweight and high-performance keyboard and mouse package, then this Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO is definitely worth considering. For those who need to work for a long time, it can not only provide a good use experience, but also reduce the trouble caused by office work. Don't hesitate to act quickly!

     [No manual speed] Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO keyboard and mouse package reduced by 40% for limited time

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [No manual speed] Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO keyboard and mouse package reduced by 40% for limited time true report eight hundred and fifty-seven Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO is a lightweight and portable Bluetooth keyboard and mouse set, which is very suitable for people who need efficient office work. The product adopts low-noise button design, bringing you a quiet and comfortable input experience. It supports the connection of laptops, tablets, mobile devices and other multi platform devices, which is very convenient to use. Now this Logitech PEBBLE 2 COMBO is in Jingdong Mall
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