
    Here comes the all-around video card! Palit shows RTX 4090 Neptunus: double guarantee of wind, cold and cold water

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

     Here comes the all-around video card! Palit shows RTX 4090 Neptunus: double guarantee of wind, cold and cold water

    At Computex 2024, Graphics card Manufacturer Palit demonstrated a new video card - Palit GeForce RTX 4090 Neptunus。 This graphics card has a perfect combination of air cooling and water cooling.

    Neptunus uses a traditional three fan design and is connected to a standard size cold exhaust. According to Palit, when the graphics card is running at full speed, the two cooling systems can perform best at the same time, and the expected temperature can drop by 10%. In addition, the graphics card can still work normally even if the water cooling system is in a sleep state.

    At present, the price of this "all-purpose" graphics card has not been determined. However, the manufacturer said that it is in the process of mass production and is expected to launch the market in the future. This is undoubtedly a highly anticipated product, which will bring players better heat dissipation performance and higher efficiency experience.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Here comes the all-around video card! Palit shows RTX 4090 Neptunus: double guarantee of wind, cold and cold water true report five hundred and seven At the Computex 2024 conference, video card manufacturer Palit presented a new video card - Palit GeForce RTX 4090 Neptunus. This graphics card has a perfect combination of air cooling and water cooling. Neptunus uses a traditional three fan design and is connected to a standard size cold exhaust. According to Palit, when the graphics card is running at full speed, the two cooling systems
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