
    "Computer Accessories" selects three high-efficiency multi heat pipe radiators to help you improve your computer performance!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    The progress of science and technology promotes the continuous improvement of computer hardware, and the problem that follows is that the CPU is overheated. In this case, choose a good one radiator Becomes critical. Today we have selected three top and more Heat pipe radiator

    First, from Thermalright AX120 R SE CPU for Air-cooled radiator The product is equipped with four pure copper nickel plated heat pipes and S-FDB12CM fan, which can effectively reduce the operating temperature of the CPU. Although it is only 148mm high, it is suitable for most mid tower enclosures. In addition, the anode sandblasting black top cover makes its appearance more fashionable. Statistics show that more than 500000 users have purchased and given positive feedback. If you are looking for a cost-effective four heat pipe radiator, the AX150 R SE is definitely your first choice.

     "Computer Accessories" selects three high-efficiency multi heat pipe radiators to help you improve your computer performance!

    Next is the PA120 SE AGHP GEN3 counter gravity 6 heat pipe air cooling radiator produced by Thermalright. Compared with the previous model, PA120 SE has a significant increase in the number of heat pipes, reaching six. At the same time, it is equipped with two dual C12 fans, which can achieve quiet operation under low load and provide sufficient cooling efficiency under high load. In addition, the bottom of PA120 SE adopts electroplated nickel plated heat pipe and fine engraved copper bottom, which improves heat dissipation efficiency and prolongs service life. According to statistics, more than 200000 users have purchased this radiator, indicating that it is very popular. If you need a six heat pipe radiator with strong performance and higher durability, then PA120 SE will be your ideal choice.

     "Computer Accessories" selects three high-efficiency multi heat pipe radiators to help you improve your computer performance!

    The last thing to mention is the PA120 AGHP 3.0 heat pipe air-cooled radiator also from Thermalright. Compared with the first two, the price of PA120 AGHP 3.0 is more user-friendly, but this has not affected its performance. It is still equipped with six heat pipes and two dual C12 fans, which can meet the cooling needs of most consumers. In addition, the PA120 AGHP 3.0 is also equipped with dual platform metal fasteners and counter gravity heat pipe design, ensuring the dual guarantee of stability and reliability during installation. Statistics also show that as many as 200000 users have purchased this radiator, fully confirming its strength. The PA120 AGHP 3.0 is a wise choice for those users who have limited budgets but still expect to obtain high-performance radiators.

     "Computer Accessories" selects three high-efficiency multi heat pipe radiators to help you improve your computer performance!

    To sum up, the above three multi heat pipe radiators all performed well, both in terms of excellent heat dissipation capacity and stable performance. However, the final choice still needs to be weighed against its own actual needs. It is hoped that through the introduction of this article, readers can better understand the advantages and characteristics of these radiators. Happy shopping!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: "Computer Accessories" selects three high-efficiency multi heat pipe radiators to help you improve your computer performance! true report two thousand and thirty-eight The progress of science and technology promotes the continuous improvement of computer hardware, and the problem that follows is that the CPU is overheated. In this case, it is very important to choose a good radiator. Today we have selected three top multi heat pipe radiators for you. First is the AX120 R SE CPU air-cooled heat sink from Thermalright. This product is equipped with 4 pure copper nickel plated heat pipes and S-FDB12CM fan, which can effectively
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