
    "Easy to use but not expensive" three office computer radiators with high cost performance ratio are recommended!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ice Tear Purple Jasmine

    With the progress of science and technology, we rely more and more on electronic equipment for daily work, but a long time of operation will lead to a large amount of heat accumulation, if not cooled in time, it may lead to hardware failure or even fire. To ensure the safe operation of the equipment, an excellent radiator crucial. This article will introduce three excellent radiators for office scenarios—— Thermalright TL-C12 Pro S-FDB V2 bearing 12cm fan 4pin speed regulation 1850PWM copper sheathed steel core double-sided secondary dynamic balance TL-C12Pro12cm high-performance fan, Thermalright TL-B1212CM performance level air pressure fan and normal normal NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm fan (intelligent temperature control/4-pin cold exhaust fan/water-cooled cooling fan 2000 PWM) Owl NF-A12x25 PWM。

    The TL-C12 Pro S-FDB V2 bearing 12cm fan 4pin speed regulation 1850PWM copper sheathed steel core double-sided secondary dynamic balance TL-C12Pro12cm high-performance fan from Thermalright brand was first launched. With its super high sales volume, this fan has sold 200 pieces in the past 30 days, fully demonstrating the recognition of the market. S-FDB bearing technology is used to effectively reduce friction resistance and improve work efficiency; Equipped with dispensing secondary dynamic balance design, which makes the fan run more smoothly and has lower noise. It is worth mentioning that the maximum speed can reach 1850RPM ± 10%, which can quickly eliminate the heat inside the computer and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

     "Easy to use but not expensive" three office computer radiators with high cost performance ratio are recommended!

    Next, TL-B1212CM performance air pressure fan from Thermalright brand is recommended. Although the sales volume is not as good as the above models, 100 pieces have been sold recently, and the results are acceptable. Using the three-dimensional dynamic balance design, it can maintain stability even under high-speed rotation, and eliminate vibration and noise. The maximum speed reaches 2150RPM ± 10%, slightly increased compared with the previous version, and the cooling effect is more excellent. However, due to the fast speed, the corresponding noise problem cannot be ignored.

     "Easy to use but not expensive" three office computer radiators with high cost performance ratio are recommended!

    Finally, we will introduce a top radiator from the noctua brand - noctua NF-A12x25 PWM 12cm fan (intelligent temperature control/4-pin cold exhaust fan/water-cooled exhaust fan 2000 PWM) owl NF-A12x25 PWM. This fan is an original SSO magnetic bearing technology and PWM intelligent temperature control system. The former enables the fan to run stably for a long time, while the latter can automatically adjust the fan speed according to the ambient temperature to achieve optimal cooling effect. At the same time, it has a fluid acceleration channel design, which greatly improves the air flow speed and enhances the heat dissipation capability. However, the high price makes it not a good choice for everyone.

     "Easy to use but not expensive" three office computer radiators with high cost performance ratio are recommended!

    The above three types of office dedicated radiators have their own characteristics. You can select the most suitable products according to your own needs. Whether seeking efficient heat dissipation or focusing on low-noise experience, we can find satisfactory answers. We look forward to this recommendation to help you in the process of purchasing radiators, so that you can enjoy a more comfortable atmosphere and healthy environment in the office environment.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: "Easy to use but not expensive" three office computer radiators with high cost performance ratio are recommended! true report two thousand one hundred and forty-three With the progress of science and technology, we rely more and more on electronic equipment for daily work, but a long time of operation will lead to a large amount of heat accumulation, if not cooled in time, it may lead to hardware failure or even fire. To ensure the safe operation of the equipment, an excellent radiator is essential. This article will introduce you three excellent radiators for office scenarios - Thermalright TL-C12 Pro S-FDB V2
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